
































All Japan Businessmen Individual and ES Judo Championships



The All-Japan Businessmen Individual Judo Championships were held at the end of August. Results at this competition decide the best business Individual athlete in the country and places winners in a position to take part in the Kodokan Cup, held in November.

This year again it was a run of really exciting and hard-fought matches.


Of course, there will be some participants who were unhappy with their performance. I would encourage them to change their focus now and work hard on their daily training ahead of the All-Japan Senior Judo Weight Class Championships next February. It was a qualifying competition both for the Kodokan Cup and the Paris Olympics after that. I hope everyone will give it their all with a sharp eye on what lies ahead.


For the athletes to perform at their best preparations ahead of the competition are also critical.

All of the finals were great matches, however as they were held at the same time, I wasn’t able to see them all. To be honest I would have liked to have seen at least one women’s and one men’s match.

I am of course aware that there are time constraints, but it would be great if we could set it up so that finalists have a stage on which to shine. I think it would make the athletes happy too.


With respect to the running of the tournament, I attended an elementary school competition in Yokohama recently where they had less strict weight divisions and I thought it worked really well.

The way it is set up, up to the final matches the athletes are split into two groups, A and B. Group A, for example might be women around 40kg, Group B anyone above that then the winners of each group compete against each other.

There may be other competitions that are run like this, but it was all new to me and very educational.


In open weight matches a smaller child might come up against a bigger child in the first match and lose straight away due to the disparity in weight. I feel it’s too big a stress for a child who doesn’t yet have the necessary physical strength. 

Setting it up this way you could avoid that situation. 

Even so, as it is an open weight competition there’s still a chance that a small child and a bigger child will meet in the finals. I think it’s a really interesting way of running a competition.


Recently when I attend  competitions, I’m not only looking at them from the angle of strengthening but more and more from the point of view of the spectators and parents. In terms of managing competitions, therefore my perspectives and concerns are broadening.  


 My blog posts recently seem to have turned into a series of ideas on the running of tournaments, however I would like to stress that this is only my opinion. I’d like to move forward sharing ideas with everyone involved with the management of tournaments around the country.