



















GO!侍ジャパン! 頑張れ、ニッポン!!







Go Samurai Japan!



The other day I went to watch the WBC quarterfinals game between Japan and Italy at Tokyo Dome.MINAGAWA Kentaro, a friend of mine invited me after receiving tickets from pitcher Yu Darvish. 


 I had a fantastic time with a group of Olympians watching Samurai Japan lead by Coach Kuriyama.It was a super impressive game which gave us a real feel of the underlying strength of Japan, the quality of the players and unity of the team.


Something which I also picked up on at the Giants training camp last week,was the special place that baseball has in the world of Japanese sport. I learned such a lot about the operational aspects of the game from the passion of the fans to the atmosphere at the venue, how the game is hyped up and directed. It was really motivational.  I also appreciated how exceptional it is to watch sports live. There is nothing like the experience of being right there, cheering along with the fans.


I actually had already bought tickets for the quarterfinals which I gave to my family who also watched live, my son and daughter swept up in the excitement.


Neither of them have ever played baseball but they got a lot out of watching the players give it their all. That is the power of sport right there; its ability to directly convey dreams and hope to the spectators. 


  Today’s dramatic walk-off win in the semifinal has made it all the more exciting.

I will of course be supporting them wholeheartedly in the final tomorrow!


Go Samurai Japan!

 Give it your all Japan!