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 On January 8th I attended the Kodokan Kagamibiraki ceremony where the New Year’s rice cakes are ceremoniously cut.


In addition to seeing kata we were also able to watch Randori performances by National Judo Federation team members and Kodokan juniors, women’s, and adult teams for the first time in three years.


It was really refreshing and uplifting for me to see everyone performing so remarkably despite being nervous.


Even more so it felt great to be able to gather and see in the new year with people involved with judo.


I feel it’s important to carry on these traditions, not only the Kagambiraki ceremony but also midwinter training.


I also feel there is a need to learn the reasons behind such traditions.


 At the same time I think it’s also important to grapple with preserving them in a manner that keeps up with the times.


I really feel we need to find a way to move with the times without losing any of the essential elements. 


In that respect it was wonderful to see NAKAMURA Misato take part in the Ju no kata performance. 


I’m sure that the active involvement of an Olympic athlete will encourage the younger generations to take more of an interest in events like the Kagami Biraki ceremony.


 In previous year it was customary to have a shiruko party at the Kodokan Kagamikai Ceremony, where all participants enjoy eating bean soup with rice cakes. Unfortunately, however, this is no longer the case since last year.


Of course Covid has affected this decision but I always used to love having oshiruko with everyone, so am selfishly thinking how nice it would be to be able to do that again.