












今回の対象となる 7 都府県は緊急事態措置に従ってください。また他の道府県は大学生を介した 感染が広がっていることから、高校生以下だけでなく、大学生及び社会人も対象とし、5 月 6 日 までは道場などにおいて集団での柔道の練習の自粛をお願いします。また、屋外のトレーニングは、社会的距離を確保してください。




1)練習開始前に検温を実施する。 (各自で当日に測定した体温の申告でも可とする。 )




3)過去 1 週間以内に、2)に該当する者は練習に参加させない。


4)過去 14 日以内に、感染者もしくは感染を強く疑われる者と接触した者は練習に参加させない。





引き続き 5 月 6 日までに開催が予定されているものについては、中止、延期の対応をお願いします。






Joint Post 2 - To everyone involved in Judo


Following the declaration of a State of Emergency, the All Japan Judo Federation has issued the following procedures. I am posting here in order to reach as many people as possible.


For more details please refer to the All Japan Judo Federation website.

 All Japan Judo Federation Website


Now is not the time to waiver. We will all get through this together. 



1.     Judo practice .


Those in the seven prefectures where a State of Emergency has been declared should follow the guidelines. In other prefectures also a number of students have been infected and caused further spread of the disease therefore we ask you to refrain from all group / dojo judo practice. This applies to adults as well as children of high school age and under until May 6th. 

When training outdoors please follow social distancing rules. 


Once the isolation measures have been lifted, we ask you to adhere to the following recommendations:


 1)Please check your temperature before starting practice.

(If you checked your temperature earlier on the same day that is admissible.) 


2)Anyone with a temperature of over 37.5℃, a cough, phlegm, respiratory symptoms, loss of sense of smell or taste must not take part in practice. 


3)Anyone who has experienced any of the symptoms of 2) above, in the past week, must not take part in practice.


4)Anyone who has been in contact with someone who has had the disease or may have had the disease over the past 14 days must not take part in practice.





Extending a previous request, all competitions planned up until May 6th are to be postponed or cancelled. 


(April 7th. Announcement by the All Japan Judo Federation)