












高校生以下については、4 月末日までは、道場などにおいて集団での柔道の練習の自粛をお願い します。感染が終息に向かえば、その都度自粛解除の連絡をします。 大学生および社会人については、所属の指示に従ってください。 また、自粛期間が過ぎた後も下記の対応を推奨します。 







2)37.5°C以上の発熱または咳、痰などの呼吸器症状や嗅覚・味覚障害を有する者は練習に参加 させない。


3)過去 1 週間以内に、2)に該当する者は練習に参加させない。


4)過去 14 日以内に、感染者もしくは感染を強く疑われる者と接触した者は練習に参加させない。





4 月末日までに開催が予定されているものについては、中止、延期の対応をお願いします。






Message to Everyone involved with Judo


Yesterday the All Japan Judo Federation held its 4th Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) strategy meeting.


 It announced that the All Japan Judo Championship and Empress cup All-Japan women's Judo championships would be postponed.

The All Japan Junior Judo Championship scheduled for August is to be cancelled. 


In addition, the following announcements were also made. 

I’m sure you are all aware of these however I’m adding them here in the hope that they reach as many people as possible.



For further details please refer to the All Japan Judo Federation website.



1.Judo practice


A request to refrain from any group practice or dojo practice until the end of April for those under senior high school age.

 When the number of infections begins to decrease, we will contact you about the lifting of self-imposed controls.


University students and adults should follow their institutions guidelines. 

Once the self-imposed controls are lifted the following rules must still be adhered to.



1)Take your temperature before starting practice.

A temperature taken earlier that day is admissible.


2) Anyone with a temperature of over 37.5℃, a cough, phlegm, respiratory symptoms, loss of sense of smell or taste must not take part in practice. 


3)Anyone who has experienced any of the symptoms of 2) above in the past week must not take part in practice.


4)Anyone who has been in contact with someone who has had the disease or may have had the disease over the past 14 days must not take part in practice. 



2. Competitions


All competitions due to take place until the end of April are to be cancelled or postponed.



(March 31st announcement by the All Japan Judo Federation)