Ruka Sarashina's Love Story Chapter2 | 恋心、お借りします



Ruka Sarashina's Love Story Chapter2 


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  Kazuya-kun's Ex-Girlfriend 

Ruka is so happy to have Kazuya tell her that she can't be unattractive.



◆何か 言いたいことは?(Do you have something to say? I think it's time for you to make up your mind.) (74)


何か 言いたいことは?

そろそろ 覚悟を決めるころかと思いまして

(Do you have something to say? I think it's time for you to make up your mind.)

Ruka succeeded in creating a pre-existing fact by staying over in Kazuya's room. The next morning, she shouted loud enough for Chizuru-san to hear. If Chizuru-san knows about this, she will give up on Kazuya-kun, and Kazuya-kun will also give up on Chizuru-san. Her expectations swelled....

But Kazuya says...



◆いや 信じてくれた (No, she believed me.) (74)


No, she believed me.

Chizuru-san knew the fact that Ruka had slept over, and she believed Kazuya's excuse (no, it's a truth) that nothing happened between Kazuya and her! Chizuru-san and Kazuya-kun definitely seem to trust each other, and Chizuru-san seems to be willing to continue their fake relationship.

These two are definitely getting closer...!

Despite Ruka's best efforts, the "sleepover attack" didn't work on Chizuru-san at all. This means that Kazuya's feelings will always remain with Chizuru-san.

Ruka was just getting excited and happy on her own. Rather, it was a reminder that the distance between them was definitely growing.

That day, Kazuya's ex-girlfriend showed up at her part-time job! The two call each other "Mami-chan" and "Kazu-kun" in a friendly manner.




◆元カノ…!!この人元カノ…!!(Ex-girlfriend... This person is his ex-girlfriend...!) (75)

Although she is not as good as Chizuru, she is the one who was officially dating Kazuya-kun. If this person tries to get back together with Kazuya, I, Just a trial girlfriend, will be defeated. I will be third. That's absolutely no good.


あ 分かった リボンちゃん 和君のこと好きなんじゃ…!

(Oh, I get it, Ribbon, you are in love with Kazu-kun...!)

Kazuya's ex-girlfriend is talking in a relaxed manner as if Kazuya is still hers. It's like she's still in love with him, even showing up at his part-time job. I can't let her do that. I'm the one who's dating Kazuya!



◆”彼女”です (I'm his girlfriend!) (75)



私 和也君の”彼女”です

ええ そうです! あなた元カノですよね!?

残念でした! 私は今の彼女ですからっ!

つまり今は 和也君は私のものってことで…!

(I'm his girlfriend! I'm Kazuya-kun's girlfriend! Yes, that's true! You're his ex-girlfriend, right? I'm sorry! I'm his current girlfriend! That means Kazuya-kun is mine now...!)

I'm his girlfriend! Kazuya-kun is mine! Saying that, she attacks Mami to stay away from Kazuya.



◆とにかく あなたはもう 終わった人です! (Anyway, you're a thing of the past now!)  (75)


とにかく あなたはもう 終わった人です!


(Anyway, you're a thing of the past now! Can you please stop chasing around Kazuya-kun!)

With that said, Ruka annoyed Kazuya again...

It's true that Mami is his ex-girlfriend, but there's no evidence that she's trying to steal Kazuya away from Ruka. It's not like she did anything to her, but she couldn't control her emotions and unilaterally attacked Mami. Kazuya must have thought she was an annoying woman again.

Later, Ruka apologizes to Kazuya for her behavior that day.




◆この間は…ごめんなさい (I'm sorry about the other day...) (78)



怒りに任せて お友達に失礼なこと…

(I'm sorry about the other day... I was angry and rude to your friend...)


Then Kazuya said


今回のことで ハチャメチャに嫌われただろうし


(I'm sure she hated me a lot for what happened. I'm rather relieved to hear you say that.)

Ruka was relieved to hear that. It seems that Ruka is not the third one.




  The distance between Chizuru-san and Kazuya-kun getting closer 


Today is Kazuya's birthday. A birthday message at midnight was natural for a girlfriend. Kazuya-kun said he was going to spend the day of his birthday with his family, so she was going to be with him on the following Sunday. However.



◆え…っ? (Eh?) (83)


Chizuru-san's intervention was heard. Chizuru-san was invited to his birthday party to celebrate with his family! Ruka can't allow Chizuru-san to be invited to the party when it should be her, his girlfriend. Ruka decides to get in on the joint birthday of Chizuru and Kazuya.


What Ruka learned during her first visit six months ago. That even if she reveals that Chizuru is his rental girlfriend, she will never be a real girlfriend. Before she can tell Grandma Nagomi everything, she has to make her understand that she's worthy of being Kazuya's girlfriend, and that she's a girl who is as good as Chizuru-san.

Ruka headed to the birthday party.



◆良い お誕生日を (Have a great birthday!) (84)


必ず おばあちゃんに 私を 好きにさせてみせる!

良い お誕生日を

(I'm going to make Grandma Nagomi like me. Have a great birthday!)

At this birthday party, I have to get rid of the stigma of being a liar and make Grandma like me. Let her know that I'm as wonderful a girlfriend as Chizuru-san. Then, if I tell her everything, she'll make me Kazuya-kun's official girlfriend. This was Ruka's plan.

She started with a gift for his parents, showed them that she was their cute granddaughter, and appealed to them as a capable girl. She is the very "ideal girlfriend".  She is steadily gaining  Grandma Nagomi's appreciation. No one can say that she is lying anymore.

The family is changing and so is Grandma Nagomi.


(Can't you be my real grandmother?)


Then Grandma Nagmoi says, "It's okay, Ruka-dono, talk to me...". Granny Nagomi is very kind. Definitely built up a good feeling. I can go! I'm sure she'll listen to me now! Ruka decides to reveal that she is Kazuya's girlfriend!



◆和也君を世界で一番好きなのは…! (The person who loves Kazuya-kun the most in the world is...!) (85)


これは 本当なんです…っ!

ここからは ”虚言”(ウソ)でもなんでもなくて…!


(his is the truth. What I'm about to tell you is not a lie...! The person who loves Kazuya-kun the most in the world is...!)



The ring tone of Kazuya's phone. It was from Chizuru-san. This is where Ruka's plans start to go awry.

Ruka got confused. It's impossible that Chizuru, her rental girlfriend, has a personal connection with Kazuya, her client. The distance between the two is clearly getting closer.

By this point, Ruka has succeeded in clearing her name of as a liar and garnering Grandma Nagomi's vote. All according to plan. But if Chizuru-san shows up now, all her efforts will be in vain. All of Kazuya's family would only care about Chizuru-san, and they would no longer care about Ruka. Chizuru-san and Kazuya-kun might even lie to them again, claiming that they are real lovers.



◆今日で和也君は正真正銘 私のものにしてみせます! 86話


おばあさんも すっかり私のこと 気に入ったみたいで

もう千鶴さんは 必要ないかもですねっ!

今日で和也君は正真正銘 私のものにしてみせます!

(Grandma Nagomi seems to have grown quite fond of me. Maybe They don't need you anymore, Chizuru-san! Today I will make Kazuya-kun truly mine!)

Ruka can't let Chizuru come to this party. That's what she said and tried to keep Chizuru away from her.

I'm sure Grandma Nagomi will accept me as his girlfriend. Then Chizuru-san is no longer needed. I'll tell her that I'm his girlfriend. When Ruka thought that, 





◆遅れてすみません 千鶴です (Sorry for the delay. This is Chizuru.) (87) 

Chizuru-san has appeared after all.

But Ruka won't lose easily. She has accumulated the grandma's "favorability savings" up to this point. No matter how much Chizuru-san will accumulate, she can't possibly turn it all around. But...



◆お仏壇に ご挨拶しても いいですか? (Can I greet your Buddhist altar?) (87)


お仏壇に ご挨拶しても いいですか?

(Can I greet your Buddhist altar?)

However, Chizuru-san was a much stronger enemy than Ruka thought. Greetings to the deceased grandfather. Kazuya's parents and Grandma Nagomi are all looking at Chizuru-san.




(It will be overturned...! All my hard work up until now will come to nothing...!)

Chizuru-san is just a rental and I'm his real girlfriend, but she's the one who's being pampered. I can't be his real girlfriend if I can't get Grandma Nagomi and Kazuya-kun's family to like me. Even thought I tried my best to make them understand that  I was just as wonderful as Chizuru-san. After all, I am no match for Chizuru-san.

Chizuru-san and her grandmother happily enjoying a drink. Ruka, who can't drink alcohol, can't even join in their conversation. There was no way for Ruka to win back Grandma's vote.



◆Ruka is alone out of the loop. (87)

She can’t see a future where she and Kazuya will become lovers. She is no match for Chizuru. Ruka got so anxious that she couldn't stop worrying.






◆Kiss. (87)


Ruka catches Kazuya and forcefully kisses him. I'm sure she wanted to reassure herself that she can kiss him because she is his girlfriend. She probably wanted to feel that their relationship had progressed and to keep a lid on her anxious heart that was about to explode.

However, Grandma Nagomi's behavior pushed her further into a corner.



◆千鶴さんにプレゼントがあるんじゃ (I have a present for you, Chizuru-san.) (89)



これは… じーさんが儂に求婚したときにくれた指輪でな

(I have a present for you, Chizuru-san. This is the ring that my husband gave me when he asked me to marry him.)

If Chizuru-san is accepted as his fiancé, if she receives this engagement ring, Chizuru-san's lead will only get bigger.

Ruka, depressed, grabbed Kazuya's clothes and desperately sent him a sign.




◆受け取れない… (I can't accept it...) (89)



驚かないで聞いてくれ! 俺と千鶴

(I can't accept it... Don't be surprised! Listen! I and Chizuru...)

Ruka's wish came true, and Kazuya tried to tell them that he and Chizuru were breaking up!

In the end, it became vague again, but Ruka was still happy that Kazuya tried to say that he was leaving her. In the midst of the frustration of not being able to win Chizuru over, the loneliness of Kazuya not looking at her, and the anxiety of the relationship ending, a spark of hope was lit. One day, Kazuya will tell them that he is breaking up with Chizuru. That's a big step toward having her become his official girlfriend.



◆これは前進でしか ありません! (This is nothing but progress!) (92)


私は好きな人とキスできて 2人の関係も一歩進んだんだから

これは前進でしか ありません!

(I got to kiss the man I love, and we've taken our relationship one step further. This is nothing but progress!)



◆それに これからは したいときは いつでも言っていいですから!

キス 解禁でしょ? (Kissing, the ban is lifted, right?) (92) 


キス 解禁でしょ?

(Kissing, the ban is lifted, right?)

Kazuya's feelings are not easily turned towards her, and she is no match for Chizuru. Ruka is hurt by this reality many times, but still she stands up. Believing in a future where she can be his real girlfriend one day.




  The situation she had feared...!

Ruka could see a future where she and Kazuya could be real lovers, as he almost told that he would break up with Chizuru. Normally, she would immediately become anxious and jealous that there is something going on between Kazuya and Chizuru, or explode in frustration that she is not being treated as his girlfriend, but she seems to be a little relieved.



◆「休戦です」 千鶴さんとの関係 (It's a "truce." My relationship with Chizuru.) (92) 


「休戦です」 千鶴さんとの関係

(It's a "truce." My relationship with Chizuru.)

Now that Chizuru was depressed about her grandmother (Sayuri), Ruka didn't want to put any more burden on her. Above all, Kazuya's attempt to say that he was breaking up with Chizuru at the birthday party must have made her feel much more secure.

However, Ruka's relationship as a trial girlfriend remains unchanged, and Kazuya's feelings for Ruka, which should be the most important, are not directed towards her. I do think that she was very happy that Kazuya almost told that he was leaving Chizuru. It looks like she's getting closer to a future where she can be Kazuya's real girlfriend. But on the other hand, it's also true that Chizuru and Kazuya are definitely getting closer. Chizuru and Kazuya are connected in private, and as soon as Ruka told Chizuru that she wasn't needed, Chizuru showed up at the birthday party and took all the Grandma Nagomi's votes.

Truth is, my relationship with Kazuya-kun and I haven't progressed at all.
If things continue like this, Chizuru-san might take Kazuya-kun away from me.

It wasn't long before she was relieved. What Ruka has been fearing for a long time will become a reality.



When she visited Kazuya's room this day, she was surprised to find Chizuru-san there! She was depressed because her grandmother had collapsed, and she didn't want to make out with Kazuya, so she left her alone, but Chizuru came into Kazuya's room. The two of them are neighbors, there must have been plenty of chances for them to meet without her knowing.



◆説明してください! お2人はいつからそういう関係に!? (Please explain! How long have the two of you been in that kind of relationship!) (110)


The two of them were already dating without my knowledge.


Chizuru-san said she was his rental girlfriend, but she was really dating Kazuya-kun! Ruka's anxiety explodes.



◆Homemade Omu-rice (110)

And then, a winning hit. When she examines Kazuya's room, she finds a homemade omu-rice that was obviously made by Chizuru-san.



◆千鶴さんと和也君はもうそんな仲だったんだ! 110話


It was all a lie, that because she was a rental girlfriend, she couldn't have a private relationship with her clients. Unable to accept the reality, tears well up in Ruka's eyes. Huddled in the hallway of her apartment, Ruka continues to cry without being seen.


◆ちょっと時間ある? (Do you have a little time?) (110)



(Do you have a little time?)


Chizuru said this, Ruka trudges into Kazuya's room.


She thought that Chizuru-san would tell her about her true relationship with Kazuya. However, what Chizuru-san was talking about was "movie production". He told her that Kazuya was planning to make a movie for Chizuru's dream.


Ruka realized that she was wrong about everything. However, one problem goes away and another one comes back. It's also true that the distance between them is steadily growing. If Chizuru and Kazuya spend more time together through the production of the movie, it could lead to a worst-case scenario.


私も手伝います その映画

(I'll help you with the movie.)



◆私も手伝います その映画 (I'll help you with the movie.) (111)

Ruka declares that she's going to intervene between them in the form of helping to make the movie.

それとも 私がいたら お邪魔ですか?
(Or am I intruding if I'm there?)

As Kazuya's girlfriend, she can' t let them spend time together. At the very last minute, Ruka managed to prevent them from spending time together.




◆千鶴さんのオムライスと 私のカレー どっちが美味しかったですか? (Which was tastier, Chizuru-san's omelet rice or my curry?) (111)


千鶴さんのオムライスと 私のカレー


(Which was tastier, Chizuru-san's omelet rice or my curry?)

She must have been worried that Kazuya's feelings were directed towards Chizuru-san. Ruka confirms Kazuya's feelings by saying this. If you are a boyfriend, your girlfriend's cooking must be the best.

Kazuya replies that Ruka's "curry" is the best. Kazuya did not betray Ruka's feelings. Ruka gives him a hug and tells him how happy she is.

As his girlfriend, she can't let Chizuru get close to Kazuya-kun.






She wanted more time with Kazuya, and she couldn't leave him and Chizuru alone, so she cooperated in making the movie. However, something unexpected happens and Ruka finds a new happiness.



ねえねえっ 見ました 見ましたっ!? 113話


ねえねえっ 見ました 見ましたっ!?

すごいじゃないですか! 一日で15万ですよ!

(Hey! Have you seen it? Have you seen it? Isn't it amazing! 150,000 yen in one day!)


Ruka can't stop her excitement at the prospect of making a movie with Kazuya. Seeing Kazuya at his best that day, Ruka learned about the world of excitement. Ruka really loves Kazuya, who is passionate and hardworking.



◆そんな人の”彼女”なんだと思うだけで なんだかドキドキしますっ!(Just the thought of me being the "girlfriend" of someone like that makes me nervous!) (113)




(Just the thought of me being the "girlfriend" of someone like that makes me nervous!)

At first, she was going to help Chizuru-san and Kazuya-kun in order to prevent them from being alone together. But



◆203作戦 ("Mission 203") (119)


和也君の為なら 何でもするって 決めてるんでっ

(I've decided that I'll do anything for Kazuya-kun.)

Yaemori took the lead in "Mission 203" to make the crowdfunding successful. That's what she said, and she vows to seriously cooperate in the production of this movie!

When Chizuru is on a date to see a play with a fellow actor (Umi-kun), Ruka finds Kazuya, who is clearly anxious. Then.


何ですか 私というものが ありながら

露乙に 残念がるのを 許した覚えはありませんよ!

(What are you doing? There is me. I don't remember allowing you to be so disappointed in me!)



Ruka scolds Kazuya and continues to hand out leaflets by herself.



◆ビラ配りましょ! (Let's hand out leaflets!) (125)


考えたって 仕方ないでしょ!

今は おばあさんのために できることをするしかない!


(It's no use thinking about it! We've got to do what we can for Granny now!
Let's hand out leaflets!)

That's what Ruka said. Then Kazuya said


るかちゃんが いなかったら

ここまで 来られなかった

(If it weren't for you, Ruka. I wouldn't have made it this far.)



◆はいっ (Yes!) (125)

When Kazuya says so, Ruka shows her best smile. 

The leaflet was created under Ruka's initiative. Before Ruka knows it, her desire to be by Kazuya's side has given way to a desire to make this movie a success. For Ruka, this movie production turned out to be a wonderful time.

Once the shooting started, Ruka tried her hand at acting as well! She played Naomi, Kyoko's junior.

Full-scale filming equipment and movie production staff

Chizuru's script was in tatters, having been read over and over again. Her turn is approaching.



◆千鶴さん…別人みたい (Chizuru-san... looks like someone else!) (129)




(Chizuru-san... looks like someone else! Amazing... just one scene divided into several cuts...)

Ruka meets an actress, Chizuru Ichinose, for the first time. It was an image of Chizuru that she had never seen before.



Kazuya is trying his best. (129)

In the heat of midsummer, Kazuya, too, supports the filming while drenched in sweat.

If Ruka had been alone, she would never have been able to see it. She never could have imagined it. Kazuya, Chizuru, and many other people gathered to make one movie. A movie that contains the wishes of so many people. She can be a part of it.


When Ruka feels this, her heart starts beating!



ドキ ドキ 緊張…? こんなに熱く… (Doki! Doki! I'm nervous...? So hot...?) (129)


ドキ ドキ

緊張…? こんなに熱く…

(Doki! Doki! I'm nervous...? So hot...?)


Ever since Ruka was a little girl, she's dreamed of having her heart pound as hard as possible. Until she met Kazuya, she had always lived in a "world without pounding hearts". Ruka may be on the verge of giving up on her dream. But Kazuya changed her life. It was her first encounter with "real love". A person who gives her happiness of pounding heart.


And Ruka finds another thing that makes her heart pound.



◆This world is overflowing with pounding hearts. (129)


Surely this world is overflowing with pounding hearts.

Ruka Sarashina is going today. In search of more pounding.




  To the End

Hello, I'm Korakuone. Thank you for reading "Ruka Sarashina's Love Story" to the end. This article was posted in conjunction with "Ruka Sarashina's Birthday Celebration 2021". I hope you enjoyed it. I'll try to write the rest of the story again, but for now, I'm going to rest at chapter 129. Ruka is always trying her best and being honest about her feelings, and when a cute girl like her says "I love you" with such a wonderful smile, anyone would fall for her. I envy Kazuya.

Ruka has an image of being energetic and super aggressive, doesn't she? She is that kind of girl, but if you look back at Ruka's story carefully and look at her personality, you'll see that she gets jealous easily, she suspects Chizuru and other girls are getting close to Kazuya over trivial things, and she is very insecure about her relationship with her boyfriend. That kind of anxiety explodes at the slightest thing, and she loses sight of her surroundings and goes out of control. "I'm sure he may not like me. The reason he doesn't like me is because I'm not attractive. Maybe he has someone else he likes..." Like Ruka, I'm sure there are a lot of people who are having a hard time falling in love because they immediately become anxious.  Behind that smile, there is a relationship with Kazuya that is not progressing at all, and she is trying her best with her pain and anxiety. I'd be happy if you could feel her clumsy side in "Ruka Sarashina's Love Story.

Anyway, Ruka-chan is really soft-hearted, or rather, she has instantaneous power of emotion. She doesn't keep her cool and takes action quickly, so she really stirs up the story. If it weren't for Ruka, Kanokari might have been a love story with a lot of dampness and not a comedy. I hope to see more of her in the future.

Ruka's life changed when she met Kazuya. She was able to learn about the world of pounding hearts. There may be some hard times ahead, but I think Ruka is very happy that she met Kazuya. I hope that Ruka will cherish the heart pounding that Kazuya taught her, and live her life selfishly, straightforwardly, and honestly according to her own feelings.