"Matsuri" is the Japanese word for a festival. It is a local festival celebrated by the local people in different areas in Japan. In the summer time, Matsuri is held everywhere all across Japan and the dates varies in all regions. 

The usual matsuri are often based on one event with many different food stalls, entertainment, carnival games and also performances. It seems like matsuri is held to unite the community through an event that brings the youngsters and oldies together. 

I attend this festival every year and I love it. The energy given out from it are staggering. The whole neighbourhood joined to carry the huge portable shrines''Mikoshi''through the street. 

Today I heard the sound of matsuri song outside of Kondoh clinic. l ran out from my clinic with my lab coat on as I helped hold the front part of ''Mikoshi'' in the center of the Matsuri!  I don't hesitate to join others. I joined carrying the Mikoshi as I am proud to give the honor for the departed soul. 

Mikoshi weights around 600kg and it costs about 500,000 US dollars. Everyone want to carry the 'Mikoshi' by waiting behind of "Mikoshi'' for their turn. They believed God is inside the Mikoshi. They lifted Mikoshi up and down with full energy to worship the God until they reach the shrine to pray for their harvest. It’s a beautiful and honourable festival that brings all the people together.





