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The genecology department refered the information to my breast surgery department that the egg-freezing process was completed, and went to see the breast surgery department. It had been a few months.


The doctor explained breifly about chemo, and confirmed we should start the next week.

I listened, thinking here it comes, at the same time, I had a little bother in my head I wanted to confirm with the doctor.


Since my first partial mastectomy, I was checking the conditions of the scar and any differences in my breast while I took a shower.

Around the time I finished my last oocyte collection, I had found a little nervous bump in the same right breast, close to my scar from the first surgery

I thought it maybe something related to the scar


When I told the doctor so, his reaction was that it takes years for a tumor to become a tumor, starting from the cells, so I could not have had a reccurence in 4 month, but he agreed to check anyway.


When he was examining it, his expression changed.