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I probably never saw that doctor again, thanks to the hospital's consideration.

I was grateful for how hospital saw my agony and tried to make it easier behind my back.


On the other hand, there was a doctor who understood my struggles to make decisions about my one and only body, and stayed with me for more than an hour until I had no more questions, even when my time was up and there were many people waiting for him.


I’m still extremely grateful for that doctor.

From the doctors point of view, he was overworked and his schedules overcrowded, and he could have thought it a waste of time to deal with one girl's struggles

I probably made him work overtime because of me

But I was truly grateful to have a doctor who listened to my heart and tried to walk the journey with me when I was having a hard time.

He came to see me before my big surgery and encouraged me. He’s the doctor that has a page in my book - I don’t see him any more, but I’m still grateful for him


Thank you doctor, you helped the girl so much