





I hadn’t listened to my body’s voice this much, probably ever. The first week after coming back, I was listening.

I wanted to notice any little changes for my body that got me through surgery, and I knew that it was my challenge going forward - I’ve been ignoring that voice all along.

I didn’t meet anyone or leave my neighbourhood for a week, scared of bumping into people and hurting my unhealed scars.

Mid June when I was finished surgery was hydrangea and monsoon season in Japan.

The temples, hydrangeas and the rain come together beautifully, although I was too busy to ever notice it.

My mum came across a program on TV about hydrangeas in Kamakura, an old capital of Japan in the 1190s where there are still many beautiful temples. She told me there was somewhere she wanted to take me.

I didn’t feel ready for public transportation or crowded places, but we decided to give it a go.