





  • 夜隣のおばぁちゃんの苦しそうな声で寝れない
  • 寝れないと思ったら共同部屋だから7時に電気つけて起こされて入院してるのに睡眠不足
  • 食事が出るのは有難いけど、糖尿病患者を意識して作った食事で、若者のカロリーは全てご飯で調節。挙句の果てに、がん患者にマーガリン出す?



Everything attached to me was removed soon after, apart from my blood pouch I carried for another few days


Lumpectomy on my breast didn’t affect my organs or my legs, so I could eat and walk up and down the stairs the next day


But there were few problems I hadn’t thought of…

  • I woke up at night because the old lady next to me was grunting, probably in pain
  • And when I thought I just managed to fall asleep, I was waken up at 7am sharp when the lights turned on so I was sleep deprived 
  • The meals provided were made for diabetic patients, the calories for younger people were all controlled by the amount of plain rice. The amount of vegetables and protein was minimal. And we had margarine with bread. Really? A hospital gives that to a cancer patient?