台風一過、陽射しが強いが心地よい風が肌に触れる気持ちいい気候になった土曜日。ハチ公バスに乗って「ホープ軒」へ向かう。初めて長蛇の待ち客の列をみた。缶ビールで乾杯していざ実食。何度食べても飽きのこない優しい味の一杯。ごちそうさま。ではなくて今日はサッカーの試合観戦にここまでやってきたのである。ラーメンはついで。新しくなって初めて上段から観戦。全体が見えるし下段よりいいかも。芝生のピッチが目にやさしい。国立競技場の雰囲気を味わうだけでも来た甲斐ある人が多いと思ったら5万人以上の観客が一同に介していた。終わったあと外の水路、あじさいの姿に癒される。何度でも来てみたい場所の一つにリストアップ。Saturday, after the typhoon passed, the weather was pleasant with strong sunshine but a pleasant breeze touching the skin.I took the Hachiko bus to "Hope Ken".For the first time, I saw a long line of waiting customers.After toasting with a can of beer, it was time to eat. I never get tired of the gentle taste of this dish no matter how many times I eat it. Thank you for the meal.We came all the way here today to watch a soccer game. Ramen was just for the sake of it.I watched the game from the upper deck for the first time since the new building was completed. I can see the whole scene.It's better than the lower level. The grass pitch is easy on the eyes.It was worth coming just to enjoy the atmosphere of the National Stadium.I thought there were a lot of people, but there were more than 50,000 spectators all together.Afterwards, the waterway outside and the hydrangeas are soothing.Listed as one of the places I would like to come again and again.