

The scenery from the train window, with the mountain ridges clearly visible in the setting sun. The town, which is connected to Tokyo by a single train line, has a clear atmosphere, and the sight reflected in my eyes was refreshing. I am glad I came.
I step out of the train and take a deep breath. The air I usually breathe feels different. It's so nice.
A seven-story pagoda, a replica of the one in Kokubunji Temple, stands in the courtyard of the shopping mall. It is divine.
Everything I eat and drink tastes even better than usual.
Thank you for inviting me to this wonderful place. Thank you, thank you.

The train on the way back was chartered only for one person. I feel like I'm in the lap of luxury.
The hour-long excursion comes to an end in the blink of an eye.
A strolling pigeon greets me on a platform full of people. It is a dream world up to that point. An unreal world.
The scene unfolding in front of my eyes should be the same as usual, but it appears hazy and blurred.
The dots are connected by a single line. The same space is supposed to be the same, but I was surprised by the difference of the scenery.
Thank you for making me aware of this. Thank you, thank you.