キラキラ太陽☀連休3日目。近所の定食屋からスタート。いつも並んでる光景しか目にしていないのでなかなか足が向かず初来店。奥行きがあり20人が座れる広さ。でも直に席は埋まる。ランチビールから始まりサラダ、スープとメインのポークピカタ到着。なかなかいい感じ。デザートにアイスもあって一日のスタートの食事として満足できた。また来よう。CHIMNEY COFFEEでアイスラテをテイクアウトして街をぶらり。渋谷の歴史を知れそうな場所「白根記念 渋谷区郷土博物館・文学館」を訪れる。マンモスの時代から順を追ってこの街の歴史の流れをひと通り知ることができた。初めて知ることも多数あり本当に来てよかった。その後、ハチ公バスで当初は駅に戻るつもりだったが色々な経路を辿るのが楽しく観光バスのように1時間以上楽しませていただいた。経路分からず乗ってみるのもありかもね。晩ごはんはセンター街の味噌ラーメン。いつ食べても安定の美味しさ。大手外食チェーンのお店である事を初めて知ったが、この味は申し分なく旨く、価格も適切。この先も続いてほしいと願う。区外から一歩も出なかったが結構充実した一日を過ごす事ができた。Sparkling Sun☀ 3rd day of consecutive holidays.We started at a nearby teishoku-ya (set meal restaurant). It was my first visit to this restaurant, as I have always seen a line of people waiting in line. The restaurant is deep and can seat 20 people. But the seats fill up quickly. We started with lunch beer, followed by salad, soup, and the main dish, pork piccata. It was quite nice. There was also ice cream for dessert, which was a satisfying way to start the day. Let's come back again.After taking out an iced latte at CHIMNEY COFFEE, I wandered around town. I visited the Shirane Memorial Shibuya Ward Museum of Folklore and Literature, a place where you can learn about the history of Shibuya. I was able to learn all about the history of this town from the time of the mammoths. There were many things that I learned for the first time, and I am very glad that I came.After that, I was going to return to the station by Hachiko Bus, but it was fun to follow various routes, and I enjoyed it for more than an hour like a sightseeing bus. It might be a good idea to take the bus without knowing the route.We had miso ramen for dinner at the Center Street restaurant. It is always delicious. I first learned that the restaurant is owned by a major restaurant chain, but the taste is perfectly delicious and the price is right. I hope they will continue to do so in the future.Although I did not step out of the city, I was able to spend a pretty fulfilling day.