【資料編】アメリカ法律判例集索引①A~L | うんちくコラムニストシリウスのブログ




・法律論文を読んでいると判例集などの引用が出てきますが、そのフル・タイトルがわからないと実際に文献にあたることはできません。そのような場 合にこのリストをご利用ください。また、逆に論文を書く時に法律文献の引用法(Citation)がわからない場合にはそれを知ることもできます。(お使 いのブラウザーの検索(FIND)ボタンをクリックして文献名の一部を入力してください)
・なお、本リストは A uniform system of citation : the bluebook / compiled by the editors of the Columbia Law Review ... [et al.]. 15th ed. に準拠しています。

A. --- Atlantic Reporter
A.2d --- Atlantic Reporter 2nd
Abb.N.Cas. --- Abbott's New Cases (New York州判例集)
Abb.Pr. --- Abbott's Practice Reports (New York州判例集)
Abortion L.Rep. --- Abortion Law Reporter
Accountancy L.Rep. --- Accountancy Law Reporter
A.D. --- Appellate Division Reports (New York)
A.D.2d --- Appellate Division Reports 2nd (New York)
Add. --- Addison (Pennsylvania州判例集)
Ad.L.Rep.2d --- Administrative Law Reporter Second
A.E.C. --- Atomic Energy Commission Reports
A.F.T.R.2d --- American Federal Tax Reports, 2nd Series
Agric.Dec. --- Agricultural Decisions (行政機関裁決集)
Aik. --- Aikens (Vermont州最高裁判例集)
Ala. --- Alabama Reports
Ala.Acts --- Acts of Alabama
Ala.App. --- Alabama Appellate Court Reports
Ala.Code --- Code of Alabama
Alaska --- Alaska Reports
Alaska Admin.Code --- Alaska Administrative Code
Alaska Fed. --- Alaska Federal Reports
Alaska Sess.Laws --- Alaska Session Laws
Alaska Stat. --- Alaska Statutes
All St.Sales Tax Rep. --- All State Sales Tax Reporter
Am.Lab.Arb.Serv. --- American Labor Arbitration Service
Am.Lab.Arb.Awards. --- American Labor Arbitration Awards
Am.Samoa --- American Samoa Reports
Am.Samoa --- Code American Samoa Code
Am.Stock Ex.Guide --- American Stock Exchange Guide
Annals of Cong. --- Annals of Congress
Antitrust & Trade Reg.Rep. --- Antitrust & Trade Regulation Report
App.D.C. --- Appeals Cases, District of Columbia
Ariz. --- Arizona Reports
Ariz.Admin.Comp.R. --- Arizona Official Compilation of Administrative Rules and Regulations
Ariz.Admin.Dig. --- Arizona Administrative Digest
Ariz.App. --- Arizona Appeals Reports
Ariz.Legis.Serv. --- Arizona Legislative Service
Ariz.Rev.Stat.Ann. --- Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated
Ariz.Sess.Laws --- Arizona Session Laws
Ark. --- Arkansas Reports
Ark.Acts --- General Acts of Arkansas
Ark.Admin.Reg. --- Arkansas Register
Ark.App. --- Arkansas Appellate Reports
Ark.Stat.Ann. --- Arkansas Statutes Annotated
Auto.Ins.Rep. --- Automobile Insurance Reporter
Av.L.Rep. --- Aviation Law Reporter
Av.Cas. --- Aviation Cases

Balance of Payments Rep. --- Balance of Payments Report
Bankr. --- Bankruptcy Reporter
Bankr.Ct.Dec. --- Bankruptcy Court Decisions
Bankr.L.Rep. --- Bankruptcy Law Reporter
Barb. --- Barbour's supreme Court Reports (New York州判例集 1847-77)
Barb.Ch. --- Barbour's Chancery Reports (N.Y. Court of Chancery 判例集)
B.C.A. --- Board of Contract Appeals Decisions
B.C.Tax Rep. --- British Columbia Tax Reporter
Ben.Rev.Bd.Serv. --- Benefits Review Board Service
Binn. --- Binney (Pennsylvania州判例集)
Black --- Black's United States Supreme Court Reports
Blackf. --- Blackford (Indiana州判例集 1817-47)
Blue Sky L.Rep. --- Blue Sky Law Reporter
B.R. --- Bankruptcy Reporter
Bradf. --- Bradford ( Iowa州判例集 1839-41)
Brayt. --- Brayton (Vermont州最高裁判例集)
B.T.A. --- Reports of the United States Board of Tax Appeals
B.T.A. --- Board of Tax Appeals Reports
B.T.A.M. --- Board of Tax Appeals Memorandum Decisions
Bur. --- Burnett (Wisconsi州最高裁判例集)

C.A. --- United States Court of Appeals
C.A.A. --- Civil Aeronautics Board Reports (Vol.1)
C.A.B. --- Civil Aeronautics Board Reports
Cai.Cas. --- Caines' Cases in Error (New York州判例集 1796-1805)
Cai.R. --- Caines' Reports (New York州判例集 1803-05)
Cal. --- California Reports
Cal.2d --- California Reports 2nd
Cal.3d --- California Reports 3rd
Cal.3d Spec.Trib.Supp. --- California Reports, 3rd Series (Special Tribunal Supplement)
Cal.4th --- California Reports 4th
Cal.Admin.Code --- California Administrative Code
Cal.Admin.Reg. --- California Administrative Register
Cal.App. --- California Appellate Reports
Cal.App.2d --- California Appellate Reports 2nd
Cal.App.3d --- California Appellate Reports 3rd
Cal.App.4th --- California Appellate Reports 4th
Cal.App.2d Supp. --- California Appellate Reports Supplement 2nd
Cal.App.3d Supp. --- California Appellate Reports Supplement 3rd
Cal.App.4th Supp. --- California Appellate Reports Supplement 4th
Cal.Rptr. --- California Reporter (West's)
Cal.Rptr.2d --- California Reporter 2nd (West's)
Cal.State Bar Ct. --- California State Bar Reporter
Cal.Unrep. --- California Unreported Cases
Can.Com.L.Guide --- Canadian Commercial Law Guide
Can.Sales Tax Rep. --- Canadian Sales Tax Reporter
Can.Tax Rep. --- Canadian Tax Reporter
C.B. --- Cumulative Bulletin (行政機関裁決集1919-)
C.C.A. --- United States Circuit Court of Appeals
C.C.P.A. --- Court of Customs and Patent Appeals Reports
C.F.R. --- Code of Federal Regulations
Ch. ------ Law Reports: Chancery Division 1991-
Ch.App. ------ Law Reports: Chancery Appeal 1865-75
Ch.D. ------ Law Reports: Chancery Division 1875-90
Chand. --- Chandler (Wisconsi州最高裁判例集)
C.I.T. --- Court of International Trade Reports
Cl.Ch. --- Clarke's Chancery Reports (N.Y. Court of Chancery 判例集)
Cl.Ct. --- United States Claims Court Reporter
C.L.S.R. --- Computer Law & Security Report
C.M.A. --- Court of Military Appeals Reports
C.M.L.R. ------Common Market law reports
C.M.R. --- Court Martial Reports
Cole.& Cai.Cas. --- Coleman & Caines' Cases (New York州判例集 1794-1805)
Cole.Cas. --- Coleman's Cases (New York州判例集 1791-1800)
College & Univ.Rep. --- College & University Reporter
College L.Dig. --- College LawDigest
Collier Bankr.Cas.2d --- CollierBankruptcy Cases, Second Series
Colo. --- Colorado Reports
Colo.Admin.Code --- Code of Colorado Regulations
Colo.Admin.Reg. --- Colorado Register
Colo.App. --- Colorado Court of Appeals Reports
Colo.Rev.Stat. --- Colorado Revised Statutes
Colo.Sess.Laws --- Session Laws of Colorado
Comm.Fut.L.Rep. --- Commodity Futures Law Reporter
Common Mkt.Rep. --- Common Market Reporter
Comp.Gen. --- Decisions of the Comptroller General
Computer L.Serv. --- Computer Law Service
Computer L.Serv.Rep. --- Computer Law Seervice Reporter
Cong.Deb. --- Congressional Debates
Cong.Globe --- Congressional Globe
Cong.Index --- Congressional Index
Cong.Rec. --- Congressional Record
Conn. --- Connecticut Reports
Conn.Acts --- Connecticut Public & Special Acts
Conn.Agencies Regs. --- Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies
Conn.App. --- Connecticut Appellate Reports
Conn.Cir.Ct. --- Connecticut Circuit Court Reports
Conn.Gen.Stat. --- General Statutes of Connecticut
Conn.Gen.Stat.Ann. --- General Statutes of Connecticut Annotated
Conn.Legis.Serv. --- Connecticut Legislative Service
Conn.Pub.Acts --- Connecticut Public Acts
Conn.Spec.Acts --- Connecticut Special Acts
Conn.Supp. --- Connecticut Supplement
Consumer Ccred.Guide --- Consumer Credit Guide
Cont.App.Dec. --- Contract Appeals Decisions
Cont.Cas.Fed. --- Contracts Cases, Federal
Copy.Dec. --- Copyright Decisions (行政機関裁決集)
Copyright L.Rep. --- Copyright Law Reporter
Corp.Guide --- Corporation Guide
Corp.L.Guide --- Corporation Law Guide
Cost Accounting Stand.Guide --- Cost Accounting Standards Guide
Cow. --- Cowen's Reports (New York州判例集 1823-29)
C.P. --- Law Reports: Common Pleas 1875-80
Cr.App.R.(S) ------- Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing)
Cr.App.R. ------- Criminal Appeal Reports
Cranch --- Cranch's United States Supreme Court Reports
C.R.D. --- Customs Rules Decision
Ct.Cl. --- Court of Claims Reports
Ct.Cust.App. --- Court of Customs Appeals Reports
Ct.Int'l --- Trade Court of International Trade Reports
Cust.B.& Dec. --- Customs Bulletin and Decisions
Cust.Ct. --- Customs Court Reports
Cust.Ct. --- United States Customs Court Reports
C.Z.Code --- Panama Canal Code (Canal Zone Code)

Daily Journal DAR --- Daily Appellate Report
Dall. --- Dallas (Pennsylvania州判例集)
Dallam --- Dallam's Opinions (Texas州判例集)
D.A.R. --- Daily Appellate Report Daily Journal
Day --- Day (Connecticut州判例集 1802-13)
D.C. --- District of Columbia Reports
D.C.Code Ann. --- District of Columbia Code Annotated
D.C.Code Encycl. --- District of Columbia Code Encyclopedia
D.C.Mun.Regs. --- District of Columbia Municipal Regulations
D.C.R.& Regs. --- District of Columbia Rules and Regulations
D.C.Reg. --- District of Columbia Register (法令集)
D.C.Regis.& Ad.Serv. --- District of Columbia Code Legislative and Administrative Service
D.C.Stat. --- District of Columbia Statutes at Large
D.Chip. --- Chipman,D. (Vermont州最高裁判例集)
Dec.Comm'r Pat. --- Patents, Decisions of the Commissioner and of U.S. Courts
Dec.U.S.Mar.Comm'n --- Decisions of the United States Maritime Commission

Del. --- Delaware Reports
Del.Cas. --- Delaware Cases
Del.Ch. --- Delaware Chancery Reports
Del.Code Ann. --- Delaware Code Annotated
Del.Laws --- Laws of Delaware

Denio --- Denio's Reports(New York州判例集 1845-48)
Docket No. --- Docket Number
Dominion Tax Cas. --- Dominion Tax Cases
Doug. --- Douglass (Michigan州判例集 1843-47)

E.A.T. --- Employment Appeal Tribunal
E.C.C. --- European Commercial Cases
Econ.Stand. --- Economic Standards
Edw.Ch --- Edwards' Chancery Reports (N.Y. Court of Chancery 判例集)
EEOC Compl.Man. --- EEOC Compliance Manual
Empl.Comp.App.Bd. --- Decisions of the Employees' Compensation Appeals Board
Empl. Prac. Dec. --- Employment Practices Decisions
Empl.Prac.Guide --- Employment Practices Guide
Energy L.Serv. --- Energy Law Service
Energy Mgmt. --- Energy Management
Energy Users Rep. --- Energy Users Report
Env't Reg.Handbook --- Environment Regulation Handbook
Env't Rep. --- Environment Reporter
Env't Rep.Cas. ---- Environment Reporter cases
Envtl.L.Rep. --- Environmental Law Reporter
E.E.O.C.Compl.Man. --- Equal Employment Opportunity

F. --- Federal Reporter
F.2d --- Federal Reporter 2nd
F.3d --- Federal Reporter 3rd
Fam.L.Rep. --- Family Law Reporter
F.Cas. --- Federal Cases
F.C.C. --- Federal Communications Commission Reports
F.C.R. --- Family Court Reporter
Fed. App. --- Federal Appeals
Fed. Appx --- Federal Appendix
(Federal Circuit Courts of Appealsの判例のうち、unpublished decisionsだけを収録した判例集. 2001年-) 
Fed. Banking L.Rep. --- Federal Banking Law Reporter
Fed.Carr.Cas. --- Federal Carriers Cases
Fed.Carr.Rep. --- Federal Carriers Reporter
Fed. Cir. --- Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit
Fed.Cl. --- Federal Claims Reporter
Fed.Controls --- Federal Controls
Fed.Election Camp.Fin.Guide --- Federal Election Campaign Financing Guide
Fed.Est.& Gift Tax Rep. --- Federal Estate and Gift Tax Reporter
Fed.Ex.Tax Rep. --- Federal Excise Tax Reporter
Fed.Power Serv. --- Federal Power Service
Fed.Reg. --- Federal Register
Fed. R. Evid.Serv. --- Federal Rules of Evidence Service
Fed.R.Serv. --- Federal Rules Service
Fed.R.Serv.2d --- Federal Rules Service 2nd
Fed.R.Serv.3d --- Federal Rules Service 3rd
Fed.Res.Bull. --- Federal Reserve Bulletin
Fed.Sec.L.Rep. --- Federal Securities Law Reporter
Fed.Taxes --- Federal Taxes
Fish.Pat.Cas. --- Fisher's Patent Cases
Fla. --- Florida Reports
Fla.Admin.Code --- Florida Administrative Code
Fla.Admin.Weekly --- Florida Administrative Weekly
Fla.Laws --- Laws of Florida
Fla.Sess.Law Serv. --- Florida Session Law Service
Fla.Stat. --- Florida Statutes
Fla.Stat.Ann. --- Florida Statutes Annotated
Fla. L. Weekly --- Florida Law Weekly
Fla. Supp. --- Florida Supplement
Flip. Flippin's --- United States Circuit Court Reports
F.M.C. --- Decisions of the Federal Maritime Commission
Food Drug Cosm.L.Rep. --- Food Drug Cosmetic Law Reporter
F.P.C. --- Federal Power Commission Reports
F.R.D. --- Federal Rules Decisions
F.S.R. --- Fleet Street Reports
F.Supp. --- Federal Supplement
F.T.C. --- Federal Trade Commission Decisions

G.& J. --- Gill and Johnson (Maryland州判例集 1829-42)
Ga. --- Georgia Reports
Ga.Admin.Comp. --- Official Compilation Rules & Regulations of the State of Georgia
Ga.App. --- Georgia Appeals Reports
Ga.Code --- Code of Georgia
Ga.Code Ann. --- Code of Georgia Annotated
Ga.Laws --- Georgia Laws
Gill --- Gill (Maryland州判例集 1843-51)
Gov't Cont.Rep. --- Government Contracts Reporter
Gov't Empl.Rel.Rep. --- Government Employee Relations Report
Greene --- Greene ( Iowa州判例集 1847-54)
Guam --- Guam Reports
Guam Admin.R. --- Administrative Rules & Regulations of the Government of Guam
Gummere --- Gummere's New Jersey Reports

H.& G. --- Harris and Gill (Maryland州判例集 1826-29)
H.& J. --- Harris and Johnson (Maryland州判例集 1800-26)
H,& McH. --- Harris and McHenry(Maryland州判例集 1785-99)
Haw. --- Hawaii Reports
Haw.App. --- Hawaii Appellate Reports
Hawai'I --- Hawai'i Reports (West's)
Hawaii --- Hawaii Reports
Hawaii Rev.Stat. --- Hawaii Revised Statutes
Hawaii Sess.Laws --- Session Laws of Hawaii
Hay.& Haz. --- Hayward & Hazelton (District of Columbia 判例集 )
Hill --- Hill's Reports (New York州判例集 1841-44)
Hill & Den. --- Hill and Denio Supplement (New York州判例集 1842-44)
Hoff.Ch. --- Hoffman's Chancery Reports (N.Y. Court of Chancery 判例集)
Hopk.Ch. --- Hopkins' Chancery Reports (N.Y. Court of Chancery 判例集)
Hous. & Dev.Rep. --- Housing & Development Reporter
How. --- Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports
How.Pr. --- Howard's Practice Reports (New York州判例集)

I. & N.Dec. --- Administrative Decisions under Immigration and Nationalization Laws
I.C.C. --- Interstate Commerce Commission Reports
I.C.C.Valuation Rep. --- Interstate Commerce Commission Reports, Valuation Reports
I.C.J. --- International Court of Justice
I.C.R. --- Industrial cases reports
Idaho --- Idaho Reports
Idaho Sess. --- Laws Session Laws, Idaho
Ill. --- Illinois Reports
Ill.2d --- Illinois Reports 2nd
Ill.Admin.Reg. --- Illinois Register
Ill.Ann.Stat. --- Smith-Hurd Illinois Annotated Statutes
Ill.App. --- Illinois Appellate Court Reports
Ill.App.2d --- Illinois Appellate Court Reports 2nd
Ill.App.3d --- Illinois Appellate Court Reports 3rd
Ill.Ct.Cl. --- Illinois Court of Claims Reports
Ill.Dec. --- Illinois Decisions
Ill.Laws --- Laws of Illinois
Ill.Legis.Serv. --- IllinoisLegislaive Service
Ill.Rev.Stat. --- Illinois Revised Statutes
I.L.R. --- International Law Reports
Ind. --- Indiana Reports
Ind.Acts --- Acts, Indiana
Ind.Admin.R. --- Burns IndianaAdministrative Rules & Regulations
Ind.App. --- Indiana Appellate Court Reports ( 1891-1972)
Ind. App. --- Indiana Court of Appeals Reports
Ind.Code --- Indiana Code
Ind.Code Ann. --- Burns Indiana Statutes Annotated Code Edition
Ind.Code Ann. --- West's Annotated Indiana Code
Indian Terr. --- Indian Territory Reports (Oklahoma州判例集)
Indus.Rel.Guide --- Industrial Relations Guide
Inher.Est. & Gift Tax Rep. --- Inheritance, Estate & Gift Tax Reporter
Ins.L.Rep. --- Insurance Law Reporter
Interior Dec. --- Decisions of the Department of the Interior
Iowa --- Iowa Reports
Iowa Acts --- Acts and Joint Resolutions of the State of Iowa
Iowa Admin.Bull. --- Iowa Administrative Bulletin
Iowa Admin.Code --- Iowa Administrative Code
Iowa Code --- Code of Iowa
Iowa Code Ann. --- Iowa Code Annotated
Iowa Legis. Serv. --- Iowa Legislative Service
I.R. --- Irish Reports
I.R.B. --- Internal Revenue Bulletin

Johns. --- Johnson's Reports (New York州判例集 1806-23)
Johns.Cas. --- Johnson's Cases (New York州判例集 1799-1803)
Johns.Ch. --- Johnson's Chancery Reports (N.Y. Court of Chancery 判例集)
J.P.M.D.L. --- Judicial Panel on Multi-District Litigation (裁判所)
Kan. --- Kansas Reports
Kan.Admin.Regs --- Kansas Administrative Regulations
Kan.App.2d --- Kansas Court of Appeals Reports 2nd
Kan.Civ.Proc.Code Ann. --- Vernon's Kansas Statutes Annotated Code of Civil Procedure
Kan.Corp.Code Ann. --- Vernon's Kansas Statutes Annotated Corporation Code
Kan.Crim.Code Ann. --- Vernon's Kansas Statutes Annotated Criminal Code
Kan.Crim.Proc.Code Ann. --- Vernon's Kansas Statutes Annotated Code of Criminal Procedure
Kan.Sess.Laws --- Session Laws of Kansas
Kan.Stat.Ann. --- Kansas Statutes Annotated
Kan.U.C.C.Ann. --- Vernon's Kansas Statutes Annotated Uniform Commercial Code
Ky. Kentucky Reports
Ky.Acts --- Kentucky Acts
Ky.Admin.Reg. --- Kentucky Administrative Register
Ky.Admin.Regs. --- Kentucky Administrative Regulations Service
Ky.Op. --- Kentucky Opinions
Ky.Rev.Stat. --- Kentucky Revised Statutes
Ky.Rev.Stat. & R --- Kentucky Revised Statutes and Rules Service (Baldwin)

La. --- Louisiana Reports
La. --- Louisiana Supreme Court Public Domain Citation
La.Acts --- State of Louisiana: Acts of the Legislature
La.Admin.Code --- Louisiana Administrative Code
La.Admin.Reg. --- Louisiana Register
La.Ann. --- Louisiana Annual Reports
La.App. --- Louisiana Court of Appeals Reports
La.App. 1 Cir. --- Circuit Louisiana Court of Appeals Public Domain Citation,1st
La.App. 2 Cir. --- Circuit Louisiana Court of Appeals Public Domain Citation,2nd
La.App. 3 Cir. --- Circuit Louisiana Court of Appeals Public Domain Citation,3rd
La.App. 4 Cir. --- Circuit Louisiana Court of Appeals Public Domain Citation,4th
La.App. 5 Cir. --- Circuit Louisiana Court of Appeals Public Domain Citation,5th
Lab.Arb.Awards --- Labor Arbitration Awards
Lab.Arb. --- Labor Arbitration Reports
Lab.L.Rep. --- Labor Law Reporter
Lab.Rel.Rep. --- Labor Relations Reporter
La.Civ.Code Ann. --- West's Louisiana Civil Code Annotated
La.Code Civ.Proc.Ann. --- West's Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure Annotated
La Code Crim.Proc.Ann. --- West's Louisiana Code of Criminal Procedure
LaRev.Stat.Ann. --- West's Louisiana Revised Statutes Annotated
La.Sess.Law Serv. --- Lousiana Session Law Service
Lans. --- Lansing's Reports (New York州判例集 1869-73)
L.Ed. --- United States Supreme Court Reporter, Lawyers' Edition
L.Ed.2d --- United States Supreme Court Reporter, Lawyers' Edition 2nd
Liquor Cont.L.Serv. --- Liquor Control Law Service
Lock.Rev.Cas. --- Lockwood's Reversed Cases (New York州判例集 1799-1847)
L.R.R.M. --- Labor Relations Reference Manual

