I would like to  my poem and my thoughts in English for foreinghers.


I hope someone like it.


Thank you.


I'm sorry now.


 I'm sorry for now, 

but I miss looking up at the sky.



 I'm sorry for now, 

but I'm impatient and spared to do something.


 I rush myself.


 What you are worried about, 


what you are dissatisfied with, 


what you are afraid of, 


your heart feels the answer.


 Do you really feel it in your own mind, 


is your choice really right,

is it true, try to feel the truth in your mind.



 Feel the truth with your true heart.


 Invite your breathing slowly 

into yourself and breathe with your heart.


 And when your mind is calm,


 Just free your mind and feel the truth with your mind.  



 Your mind can feel "itself".


 The "essence" behind the words is very important.



 The essence becomes words.


 Words are spun out by energy, joy and love.



 Slowly, at this moment,


think about you.


 You are very pure.



 A person who can be anything.  .


 Everything is connected to the truth, 


the truth, the law, etc., 


but each has its own essence.  .


 You just want to live as if you were free to feel each other and love, hug and laugh at your life. 



Thank you so Much for reading and coming.



The blog is in Japanese.



