
Should people have to pay for ambulance services?

People don’t need to pay for ambulance services.

Behind this controversial issue, some make use of the medical emergency system who are suffering lower acute diseases, and others use these services instead of taxi ones. If those who are careless about other patients or the initial and running cost of this system are required to pay for their use of them, the number of users will drastically decline.

If people are obliged to pay for these services, some patients in urgency who are more cost conscious will hesitate to call ambulances. If such a kind of thing happens, the meaning of this medial system will be doubted. That is a typical case of putting the cart before the horse.

There is a concern that charges for use of an ambulance will drive away low income families having little children or consisting of elder persons only. They are most prone to suffer abrupt illnesses. Usability of urgent medical systems must have precedence over running cost of ambulances.

Money is important, but health is more important. Use of ambulances should be free even if some careless unurgent persons use them.

理由1:Some patients hesitate to use ambulances

理由2:Low income families are drove away from use of ambulances.

大略: Charges for use of ambulances drive persons in urgent or in needy of the chance of being treated under emergency medical systems.