
→◯ 鼻茸ができたけど、幸運なことにこの間小さくなった。薬だけじゃなく、鼻うがいを欠かさずにするのがポイントかな。

→◯ 今年の人間ドックの結果でまた出たところは来年一月に確認。

→◯ フィットボクシングとゴルフでスタイルOK。実は私は長年運動で作られるスタイルがあまり好きじゃなかったんだけど、やっと受け入れられるように。

→◯ 趣味がないのかと悩んだりしたけど、1人でいたいときは読書とNetflix、誰かと会いたいときはゴルフその他で。今のロールになって孤独を感じることが多いけど、気分転換ができるようになったから大丈夫。

→△ 週末にゴルフに行くと短い。そうじゃないときはまだいいかな。ただし常に心がけてはいたな。

→◯ レッスンで学ぶことはかなり学べたかな。

→◯ 8回実施済み。いろいろあるけど楽しい。スコアには課題ありだけど。

→◯ 会社外に積極的に知り合い、友人を作り、その関係が財産に。

→◯ 上述の通りと、大学時代からの友人たちとゴルフに行ったり。ワーキングマザーたちに会ったり。

→◯ 新しい役割で戦略的な活動を実施中。効果も見えてきている。

→◯ 実施中。エンゲージメントも向上。

→◯ 今年も新たなお客様のDXを進化。生成AIにより一段上へ。

→◯ 広い意味でのお客様との交流は一段上のレベルに。

→◯ 新しい役割を二つもらったのみならず、外部の役もいただいたのでさらに大成功。

→◯ よくやった。

→◯ 無事終了。さらにテレビ出演も果たしたり、海外にも発信できる動画を撮ったり。

→◯ 完了

→◯ 役割が上がり、進化を年末に認めてもらった。

→◯ 新たな人員を育ててはいる。

→◯ 新聞等はもちろん、外部活動を通じてかなり盛んに実施。

→◯ 外部活動で深掘り中。意見交換も実施。

→◯ 委員会やゴルフを通じてかなり増えた。

→◯ 結果はともかく進んでる。

→◯ 大丈夫そう。

→◯ 心がけは常にしている。


It's time to reflect on my New Year’s resolution.
When I took over the new role a half year ago, I reflected on it.
This time I added my evaluation with orange color.

- Health
 - continue cures for eosinophilic sinusitis and asthma and go well with them.
-> managing them.
-> Good. Even though nasal polyps appeared, they luckily got smaller recently. The secrets are taking medicine as well as gaggling my nose.

 - take care of my health for example take the results of the annual health check seriously.
-> done. 
-> Good. The result of the annual health check this year made me plan to be checked in detail in January as well.

 - keep and improve my body shape by keeping exercising.
-> good. I like FitBoxing and golf for exercise and my body shape doesn't disappoint me.
-> Good. FitBoxing and golf keep my body shape. To be honest, I didn't like keeping my body style by exercising but I was getting to accept it finally.

 - make myself refreshed with ways to fit me best.
-> Netflix, books, and golf refreshes me. Sometimes refreshed but sometimes not.
->Good. Although I didn't have any hobbies, I recognized reading books and watching Netflix are my hobbies when I want to be alone and playing golf or other activities with others when I want to be with someone. My current role sometimes makes me feel alone but I am ok because I learned how to refresh myself.

 - take enough sleep.
-> still struggle.
-> So so. In the case of playing golf round, hours of sleep tend to be short. It is better in another case. I always took care of it, though.

- Golf
 - continue the lessons.
-> yes.
-> Good. I learned as far as I could learn at Golf school.

 - make a debut for a golf round and enjoyable keep it.
-> 3 rounds done. I enjoyed them.
-> Good. 8 rounds done. I enjoyed them. My score still has issues, though.

- Friends
 - make new friends.
-> Maybe not.
-> Good. Proactively tried to make new friends external to my company and they influenced my life.

 - meet with existing friends.
--> met with my friends at university.
-> Good. Met with my friends at the same circle at university as mentioned above, went to the golf course with my friends since we were university students, and met with my working mother's friends.

- The main role which I mostly focus on.
 - strategically take actions to grow the business more.
-> preparing for the next role to strategically take actions. I have grown in my former role.
-> Good. Taking strategic actions and can see the result for now.

 - continue the transformation to make my organization activated and make all of the members happy.
-> I think I can do it.
-> Good. The engagement score grew.

 - evolve digital transformation in each industry.
-> doing it for some clients.
-> Good. Co-created digital transformation with clients and evolving it with GenAI.

 - level up the exchange with my clients.
-> realized it with several clients.
-> Good. Leveling up the exchange with them from a wider viewpoint.

 - step up overall.
-> successful because I got two new roles.
-> Good. I was successful in being given an external role as well as taking over the two roles.

- Diversity and Inclusion 
 - safely and brightly complete the current term of the women's council
-> It is about to be completed.
-> Good. Done.

 - make the second program with the collaborator successful.
-> just launched.
-> Good. Done. In addition, I spoke in a movie and a TV program.

 - hand over to successors.
-> prepared.
-> Good. Done.

- The security role
 - evolve what I launched last year.
-> evolved and I stepped up to the next role.
-> Good. Stepped up and my evolution was evaluated at the end of the year.

 - prepare for handing over to successors.
-> done.
-> Good. Done and developing next talents.

- External activities
 - continue catching the situation all over the world.
-> doing.
-> Good. Gathering information from newspapers as well as the external committee.

 - make expressions publically what I mentioned above or exchange opinions with others.
-> Deepening is not enough but doing.
-> Good. Deepening in the external committee and exchanging thoughts.

 - increase connections through external activities.
-> not yet.
-> Good. Increased connections via the external committee and golf.

- support my youngest son to get into university.
-> doing.
-> Good. He looks good, I believe. His final achievement hasn't appeared yet, though.

- just see my twins’ leaning in. My actions not needed.
-> They are doing well.
-> Good. They look well.

- don't forget appreciation to everyone.
-> remind me.
-> Good. I always try.

I did well looking at the reflection.
Have a nice new year.