昨日はinternational women’s day でした。


・international men’s dayがあったとしても盛り上がらない。忖度と愚痴と昔は良かった話が出るくらいだろう。


Yesterday was international women’s day.
We had an event of my company at external venue.
It was fashionable and exciting.
Some men also attended.

I was an panelist and was happy to be delighted.
My messages are;
 - Stop blaming ourselves in terms of what we didn’t because we believe a good wife and a good mother are ideal.
 - Stop giving up challenging because of being afraid of failure.
 - Era is always changing. Think forward without being tied up by the past.

I noticed the following points from table discussion.
 - Japanese feel safety by stereotyping.
 - In Japan Rikei(science, technology, and medical) are totally separated from Bunkei(law, economics, and literature). Implicitly boys are thought Rikei and girls are thought Bunkei. 
 - It is better to know our stereotype view and think what to do beyond that.
 - It is serious that mothers affect with traditional values to their children.
 - Male brain can see overall when men become 40 or 50 years old! Female one can when women become only 9 years old.
 - If there were international men’s day, men could not utilize it. They just do Sontaku ( talk as they are evaluated by higher management), complain, and talk how good everything was.

I believe this event is the best female one I have ever attended.
I enjoyed it.