Crucible V1.1
Crucible was created by my friend Jean (aka: OneGeekArmy), and we have been making improvements to allow for icon changes since then. While receiving lectures from him, we have had fun adventures exploring the ROM together, sometimes brainstorming ideas. The ROM is like a well-maintained town, with many places that are still not well understood.
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In this update, you can change the startup Mac icon and ROM disk Volume icon. The Volume icon for the ROM disk is a bit complicated, but it is integrated when connected to the Mac ROM (modified ROM for the MacIIsi), so changing the icon in vMac or other EMUs (or on a real Mac) will not reflect the changes. In Crucible, we completely replace the code for the ROM Disk icon itself, which is stored in the Mac ROM.
Designs to use
Mac icons are typically composed of a main design in black and white and a background that is transparent, with images up to 32x32 pixels in size. In Crucible, BMP, PNG, and TIFF can be used. Images are converted to bin format, with white being 0 and black being 1. If there are uneven colors, they will be converted to 1, so be careful when creating the image.
Creating an icon
There are various ways to create a 32x32 image, but you can also create it on a web browser without using an application.
PIXILART is free for anyone to use, but the advertisement tab opens regularly, making it a little difficult to use. However, it is free, so please don't complain.
Open PIXILART in your web browser, select File/New from the menu bar, select Blank Canvas, and select 32x32 from Canvas Preset.
An editor similar to Illustrator will open. Create the main image icon using only black and white. Once the icon is complete, check to make sure there are no unfinished areas and that the image is completely black and white.
After checking, pull down FILE/EXPORT/DOWNLOAD from the menu bar and click DOWNLOAD .png.
Once this is done, do not close the page yet, but return to the icon image you just created. This time, create an icon mask. Paint the background of the transparent part of the mask white and the non-transparent part black. Once this is done, save it as .png.
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