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両角 和人(生殖医療専門医)のブログ










Human Reproduction, 2023, 38(11), 2062–2104

Good practice recommendations on add-ons in reproductive medicine









1:Screening hysteroscopy is currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

2:Screening hysteroscopy can be considered in patients with recurrent implantation failure.

3:The presently available endometrial receptivity tests are not recommended.

4:Peripheral blood tests for immune parameters and uNK-cell testing are not recommended.

5:KIR and HLA genotyping is currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

6:Immunomodulating treatments, such as Intralipid, IVIG, rh-LIF, PBMCs, and anti-TNF, are not recommended.

7:Artificial oocyte activation is currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

8Artificial oocyte activation is recommended for complete activation failure (0% 2PN), very low fertilization (<30% fertilization), or globozoospermia.

9:Mitochondrial replacement therapy to affect oocyte quality is not recommended.

10:In vitro activation of dormant follicles is not recommended.

11:Clinical IVM and rescue IVM or natural cycle IVF/M are currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

12: Sperm DNA damage testing is currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

13:Artificial sperm activation is currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

14:Artificial sperm activation is recommended for patients with primary or secondary total asthenozoospermia which are not the result of axonemal structure defects.

15:Sperm hyaluronic binding assay is currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

16:Physiological ICSI is currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

17:Magnetic-activated cell sorting is currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

18:Microfluidics can be considered.

19:Intracytoplasmic morphologic sperm injection is currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

20:Growth factor-supplemented embryo culture medium is not recommended.

21:Assisted hatching is not recommended.

22:Pre-implantation genetic testing for aneuploidy is currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

23:Non-invasive PGT is currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

24:Mitochondrial DNA load measurement is currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

25:Time-lapse imaging is not recommended as a tool to improve live birth rates.

26:Intrauterine administration of platelet-rich plasma is not recommended.

27:Intraovarian administration of platelet-rich plasma is not recommended.

28:Duostim is currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

29:Adjuncts (metformin, growth hormone, testosterone, DHEA, aspirin, indomethacin, and sildenafil) before or during ovarian stimulation are not recommended.

30:Intravaginal or intrauterine culture devices are currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

31:Hyaluronic acid addition to transfer media is recommended. Monitoring of the multiple pregnancy rate is still advisable.

32:Endometrial scratching is currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

33:Intrauterine administration of hCG is not recommended.

34:Intrauterine administration of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor is not recommended.

35:Endometrial administration of embryo culture supernatant is not recommended.

36:Endometrial exposure to seminal plasma is not recommended.

37:Stem cell therapy for premature ovarian insufficiency, diminished/poor ovarian reserve or thin endometrium is not recommended.

38:Glucocorticoids are not recommended in ART.

39:Elective freeze-all is currently not recommended for routine clinical use.

40:ICSI is not recommended for non-male factor infertility.

41:Antioxidant therapy is not recommended in ART.

42:Acupuncture, Chinese and herbal medicine and other complementary therapies are not recommended.