


21:30 'World Premiere' "TOKYO BOYS COLLECTION episode1" Love Story (Japan) (85 min)

Directed & Produced by Kazuhiro Teranishi & Mariko Hayakawa; Written & Edited by Kazuhiro Teranishi, Ikki Nishimura; DP/Cinematographer: Kazuhiro Teranishi & Takehiko Tamiya; Music Composer: Tomoaki Yamatani

Starring: Nishimura Ikki (as Ikki); Nagao Mariya (Risa); Kimura Kaori (Beautician 1); Kimura Saori (Beautician 2) (Director, Cast and Crew attending)

Storyline: A film based on a true love story

Ikki Namikaze is a heart-throb ace pitcher his dream is to play at the national baseball tournament. His mother suddenly diagnosed with leukemia Ikki quits the baseball team to work and take care of his mother and the hospital bills, angry over his dad who spent his life trying to become a musician, at the expense of his family. Tormented by this he meets in high school the pop singer Risa, finding out Risa was his first love when he was a little boy. Risa is working hard to realize her dreams while Ikki has given up his dreams. With encouragement from his bed-ridden mother, Ikki decides to enter the world of show business to audition for the fashion spectacular “Tokyo Boys Collection” to sing the song his father sung to his mother when he proposed to her. Will this be the first step towards his new dream... 

23:00 'HOLD ON TO LOVE JAPAN NIGHT ...' A Film Industry party At prestigious ‘Pacific Lounge Club’ Monte Carlo – music powered by the Glamour Twins... till late!

Exclusively for VIP and Press Pass holders only