

As you can see, this blog is written in both Japanese and English. But it’s not like I’m fluent in English. I first write it in my mother tongue of Japanese, then I translate it to English on my own. After that, my husband (a translator) corrects my unnatural English because it has a lot of mistakes. Sometimes my English is so bad that it’s indecipherable, so he just translates it from the Japanese directly.





You might think, “Wouldn’t it be better for him to translate everything from the start?” And that’s true, it would be easier for him. But he goes along with it so that I can get some English practice. I appreciate that, but it can be disheartening if he makes too many corrections.


例 ☟ Ex.




私の英語 My translation
I feel like “ I’m sorry my plants”


主人の校正後 After my husband’s proofreading
I feel like telling my plants, “I’m sorry.”



I’m embarrassed that my sentence is grammatically wrong. In daily conversations, people understand somehow; but if there are mistakes in written sentences, it looks weird.And it’s not just grammatical mistakes — sometimes I don’t know how to express myself in English.


例 ☟




私の英語 My translation

Sometimes my English is too bad to understand


主人の校正後 After my husband’s proofreading

Sometimes my English is so bad that it’s indecipherable



It is kind of frustrating when my husband corrects me a lot, so when I really don’t know how to say something, I use ChatGPT. But my husband discovered my secret right away. “You didn’t write this sentence, did you? This doesn’t sound like you.”
What, you mean my English is childish? That makes me even more miserable. According to him, the ChatGPT translation sounds like some sort of academic scholar. So out of curiosity, I decided to show him both my translation and that of the AI.


例 ☟



私の英語 My translation

Needless to say, you need good soil for growing plants.



“Of course, it’s a matter of course, but good soil is necessary for growing plants, isn’t it?”


主人の校正後 After my husband proofreading

It goes without saying that growing plants requires good soil.





To be honest, the sentence from ChatGPT looks cooler to me as a non-native. But my husband explained that he tried to make the translation natural while retaining my personality. ChatGPT also translated「当たり前と言えば当たり前ですが」 directly, and the result sounds bizarre.




I think I can say this: Every language has expressions and variations of nuance that are unique to it. And some concepts don’t even exist in certain cultures, much less appear within their languages. In the case of Japanese, a good example is Osewa ni narimasu.


「お世話になります」は、直訳すると I will be taken care of you で、引っ越してきたときやビジネスや学校で始めた相手につかいます。またビジネスメールでは毎回「お世話になっております」と冒頭に書きます。

Osewa ni narimasu literally means “I am now in your care.” It’s used when you move to a new place or meet someone new in a business or school setting. You also have to start every business email with the related phrase Osewa ni natte orimasu.




Chatgptで訳してみると Translated with ChatGPT

“Thank you for your support”




This wouldn’t be bad in some cases, but you couldn’t use it after a move.
My husband says it’s basically untranslatable, but in this situation he would say something like:

“Hi, we’re new to the neighborhood.”




I think these are the types of things that AI still struggles with. My husband now gets offers to proofread machine translations every once in a while, but the sentences can be quite mysterious when the AI messes up expressions like this.
Some clients simply believe that AI translations can be easily fixed up with a few natural edits, so the pay for such jobs is extremely low. But in reality, some sentences are so bad that you have to refer back to the original source text and retranslate them, so it ends up being double the work. Because of this, my husband is turning down these post-editing jobs for now.




It seems that perfectly natural translations still require the hand of an actual human. But as AI technology rapidly advances, we might find ourselves in a society that doesn’t need human translators. Everyone except translators and interpreters will probably be pleased to converse with people in totally unknown languages, but isn’t it sad and scary that humans will be eliminated because of AI?




I think eventually, humans might create new languages that AI can’t understand. Then there will be a battle between AI and humans.