I wrote previously about growing tomatoes in Japan, but now I’d like to share a tomato story from the US. 



Last year, we set up a grow room our house to protect our tomato seedlings from bugs and squirrels. 


Well I call it a grow room, but it was just a small table with some fluorescent lights in the corner of the laundry/tool room. Even with that basic set up, the seedlings grew well, and we started bringing them outside when they got around five centimeters tall. 

It was a simple task to bring the seedlings out in the morning and back inside in the evening each day. But it was quite an annoyance for me because I had many things to do in the morning, so I left it all on my husband. 


One morning, when I was cleaning the kitchen, my husband passed by me carrying a container that had seedling pots in it. A few moments later, he spun around, threw his cap on the floor, and said “I’m done!” then left for his room. 


When I went outside to see what happened, I saw that one of the pots had, and its seedling was in bad shape.


At the time, my husband was depressed from a lot of stress. A tomato falling might not seem like a big deal, but for him it was just a trigger. He was like a balloon that’s stretched tight and capable of exploding at any time. 


I picked up the seedling gently and planted it in a new pot. Then I added some soil and gave it plenty of water. 


諦めたくない トマトのことも 主人のことも・・・!
I don’t want to give up tomatoes…or my husband, either!



As time passed, the weakened seedling grew slowly, but it eventually became our biggest plant. Even now (in the dead of winter!) we are enjoying its delicious fruit. 


主人 :  キヨミの気持ちが通じたんだよ 
私    :  そうかもね。

Husband:  Maybe this tomato felt your love.
Me:              Could be.


I think this is just a coincidence though, because we gave other plants a lot of attention but they ended up dying anyway. But even the idea of that makes my heart warm.  


I don't think plants understand our thoughts, but when we take care of them for a long time, we grow to feel sympathy for them, so we often tell them things like “Hang in there!” Especially my husband. Although he gets upset easily, he is very kind to plants and always apologizes to them before harvesting: “Sorry, thank you for your hard work.”



By the way, an interesting thing about tomatoes is that stress makes them sweeter. So they actually become sweeter if you water them less.But according to my husband, lettuce can turn bitter when it experiences a lot of stress. The lettuce that we grow indoors is sometimes quite bitter. 


I’m impressed that vegetables feel a sort of stress, just like we do. 


When I’m stressed, my son always warns me about the wrinkles that appear on my forehead!
It’s not easy, but I wish stress would turn me into a kind and sweet grandma, not a bitter old person.