

My brother ( and our father before him) runs an auto-body shop in Japan, so our yard is covered with concrete. There's no space for gardening at all. And when I left there, I always livevd in apartments, so my garden was limited to my balcony. 





Balconies in Japan are very narrow-barely enough for a person to stand in them. Plus, we have to hang our laundry there to dry, and the air conditioner also takes up room. But even in that tiny space, I grew some plants. 




On the hand, my husband grew up in a town by the watere. He told me that his house had a huge yard, but I couldn't imagine how big at the time, because he was always in a dark room when we chatted via Skype ( long-distance reelationship). And I think Japanese people normally can't imagine livivng in a house with such a big yard.





Believe it or not... that yard is one and a half times the size of Tokyo Dome!!!


(When Japaneses compate sizes, we always think of the Tokyo Dome stadium for some reason.)




Everytime he gogt a present from his parents or he wanted expensive things, I always teasesd him by saying "You are  prince." But I never could have guessed that he was a true prince with a huge piece of property. 






Having said that, he can't earn a lot as a translator working from home. And his expenses ( mainly for music equipment ) always surpass his income. 



A poor prince living on a huge property...sad. 





We could sell a part of the property, but it's been passed down in his family for generations. And we also we want to preserve the woods for the sake of environment. 




というわけで、この広い土地を活用する手はない!たくさん野菜や花を育てよう! と2人の気持ちが一致。


That's why we both agreed that we have use this spacious land to grow a lot of flowers and vegetables! 




I was excided to upgrade from the balcony to a proper garden, so I bought some cucucmber and pepper seedlings. 



すると翌日義母から、なんと園芸用の土のプレゼントが !

The next day, I got a gift of potting soil from mother-in-law!



私           「えっ、家にいくらでも土があるのにこれ使うの?」


>Me:"Oh, should we use this? we have a lot of soil on our property." 

Husband:"Our soil is mostly hard clay, so we can't use it like that"



What?! We CAN’T USE THE SOIL even though we have a huge property?!



I ended up planting the seedlings in pots, just like I did in my small balcony garden…sad.




That’s when we decided to start improving our native soil for the future.



                                                          つづく to be continued