わかものしょくん! | Jesus Kiss

Jesus Kiss





An incredible letter written by a non-Jewish Scottish professor to his students who voted to boycott Israel


TO: The Committee Edinburgh University Student Association.

宛先: エディンバラ大学学生協会委員会

May I be permitted to say a few words to members of the EUSA? I am an Edinburgh graduate (MA 1975) who studied Persian, Arabic and Islamic History in Buccleuch Place under William Montgomery Watt and Laurence Elwell Sutton, two of Britain 's great Middle East experts in their day. I later went on to do a PhD at Cambridge and to teach Arabic and Islamic Studies at Newcastle University . Naturally, I am the author of several books and hundreds of articles in this field. I say all that to show that I am well informed in Middle Eastern affairs and that, for that reason, I am shocked and disheartened by the EUSA motion and vote.

EUSA のメンバーに一言申し上げてもよろしいでしょうか? 私はエディンバラ大学を卒業し (1975 年修士号取得)、当時の英国の偉大な中東専門家 2 人、ウィリアム モンゴメリー ワットとローレンス エルウェル サットンのもと、バックルー プレイスでペルシア、アラビア、イスラムの歴史を学びました。その後、ケンブリッジ大学で博士号を取得し、ニューキャッスル大学でアラビアとイスラムの研究を教えました。当然ながら、この分野で数冊の本と数百の記事を執筆しています。私がここまで述べたのは、中東情勢について十分な知識があり、そのため EUSA の動議と投票に衝撃を受け、落胆していることを示すためです。

I am shocked for a simple reason: there is not and has never been a system of apartheid in Israel .


That is not my opinion, that is fact that can be tested against reality by any Edinburgh student, should he or she choose to visit Israel to see for themselves. Let me spell this out, since I have the impression that those members of EUSA who voted for this motion are absolutely clueless in matters concerning Israel, and that they are, in all likelihood, the victims of extremely biased propaganda coming from the anti-Israel lobby.

これは私の意見ではなく、エディンバラの学生がイスラエルを訪れて自分の目で確かめることに決めた場合、現実に照らして検証できる事実です。この動議に賛成票を投じた EUSA のメンバーはイスラエルに関する事柄についてまったく無知であり、おそらく反イスラエル ロビーからの極端に偏ったプロパガンダの犠牲者であるという印象を受けたので、このことを詳しく説明します。

Being anti-Israel is not in itself objectionable. But I'm not talking about ordinary criticism of Israel . I'm speaking of a hatred that

permits itself no boundaries in the lies and myths it pours out.  Thus, Israel is repeatedly referred to as a "Nazi" state. In what sense is

this true, even as a metaphor? Where are the Israeli concentration camps? The einzatsgruppen? The SS? The Nuremberg Laws? The Final Solution? None of these things nor anything remotely resembling them exists in Israel , precisely because the Jews, more than anyone on earth, understand what Nazism stood for.

反イスラエルであること自体は問題ではありません。しかし、私はイスラエルに対する通常の批判について話しているのではありません。私は、嘘と神話を吐き出すことに境界を許さない憎悪について話しているのです。したがって、イスラエルは繰り返し「ナチ」国家と呼ばれています。これは、たとえ比喩であっても、どのような意味で真実なのでしょうか。イスラエルの強制収容所はどこにありますか。アインツァッツグルッペンは? SS は? ニュルンベルク法は? 最終解決は? イスラエルには、これらのものも、それに似たものも存在しない。それはまさに、ユダヤ人が地球上の誰よりもナチズムの真意を理解しているからだ。

It is claimed that there has been an Israeli Holocaust in Gaza (or elsewhere). Where? When? No honest historian would treat that claim with anything but the contempt it deserves. But calling Jews Nazis and saying they have committed a Holocaust is as basic a way to subvert historical fact as anything I can think of.

ガザ(または他の場所)でイスラエルのホロコーストがあったと主張されている。どこで? いつ? 正直な歴史家なら、その主張を当然の軽蔑でしか扱わないだろう。しかし、ユダヤ人をナチスと呼び、ホロコーストを犯したと言うことは、私が考えられる限り、歴史的事実を覆す最も基本的な方法だ。

Likewise apartheid. For apartheid to exist, there would have to be a situation that closely resembled how things were in South Africa under the apartheid regime. Unfortunately for those who believe this, a weekend in any part of Israel would be enough to show how ridiculous the claim is.


That a body of university students actually fell for this and voted on it is a sad comment on the state of modern education. The most obvious focus for apartheid would be the country's 20% Arab population. Under Israeli law, Arab Israelis have exactly the same rights as Jews or anyone else; Muslims have the same rights as Jews or Christians; Baha'is, severely persecuted in Iran, flourish in Israel, where they have their world center; Ahmadi Muslims, severely persecuted in Pakistan and elsewhere, are kept safe by Israel; the holy places of all religions are protected under a specific Israeli law. Arabs form 20% of the university population (an exact echo of their percentage in the general population).

大学生の一団が実際にこれに騙され、投票したことは、現代の教育の状態に対する悲しいコメントだ。アパルトヘイトの最も明白な焦点は、国の20%を占めるアラブ人だろう。イスラエルの法律では、アラブ系イスラエル人はユダヤ人や他の人とまったく同じ権利を持っている。 イスラム教徒はユダヤ教徒やキリスト教徒と同じ権利を持っている。イランで厳しく迫害されているバハイ教徒は、世界の中心地であるイスラエルで繁栄している。パキスタンなどで厳しく迫害されているアフマディ派イスラム教徒はイスラエルによって守られている。すべての宗教の聖地はイスラエルの特定の法律によって保護されている。アラブ人は大学の学生数の20%を占めている(一般人口に占める割合とまったく同じ)。

In Iran , the Bahai's (the largest religious minority) are forbidden to study in any university or to run their own universities: why

aren't your members boycotting Iran ? Arabs in Israel can go anywhere they want, unlike blacks in apartheid South Africa . They use public transport, they eat in restaurants, they go to swimming pools, they use libraries, they go to cinemas alongside Jews - something no blacks were able to do in South Africa .


Israeli hospitals not only treat Jews and Arabs, they also treat Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank.

On the same wards, in the same operating theatres.

In Israel , women have the same rights as men: there is no gender apartheid.

Gay men and women face no restrictions, and Palestinian gays often escape into Israel, knowing they may be killed at home.





It seems bizarre to me that LGBT groups call for a boycott of Israel and say nothing about countries like Iran , where gay men are hanged or stoned to death. That illustrates a mindset that beggars belief.


Intelligent students thinking it's better to be silent about regimes that kill gay people, but good to condemn the only country in the

Middle East that rescues and protects gay people. Is that supposed to be a sick joke?


University is supposed to be about learning to use your brain, to think rationally, to examine evidence, to reach conclusions based on solid evidence, to compare sources, to weigh up one view against one or more others. If the best Edinburgh can now produce are students who have no idea how to do any of these things, then the future is bleak.


I do not object to well-documented criticism of Israel . I do object when supposedly intelligent people single the Jewish state out above states that are horrific in their treatment of their populations. We are going through the biggest upheaval in the Middle East since the 7th and 8th centuries, and it's clear that Arabs and Iranians are rebelling against terrifying regimes that fight back by killing their own citizens.

私は、十分に裏付けられたイスラエルへの批判に反対しません。 知的なはずの人々が、国民に対する扱いが恐ろしい国々よりもユダヤ国家を特に取り上げることには反対します。 中東では7世紀と8世紀以来最大の激動が起こっており、アラブ人とイラン人が、自国民を殺害して反撃する恐ろしい政権に反抗していることは明らかです。

Israeli citizens, Jews and Arabs alike, do not rebel (though they are free to protest). Yet Edinburgh students mount no demonstrations and call for no boycotts against Libya , Bahrain , Saudi Arabia , Yemen , and Iran . They prefer to make false accusations against one of the world's freest countries, the only country in the Middle East that has taken in Darfur refugees, the only country in the Middle East that gives refuge to gay men and women, the only country in the Middle East that

protects the Bahai's.... Need I go on?


The imbalance is perceptible, and it sheds no credit on anyone who voted for this boycott. I ask you to show some common sense. Get information from the Israeli embassy. Ask for some speakers. Listen to more than one side.

不均衡は明白であり、このボイコットに投票した人の名誉を傷つけるものではありません。常識を示してください。イスラエル大使館から情報を入手してください。 何人かの講演者を呼んでください。複数の意見を聞いてください。

Do not make your minds up until you have given a fair hearing to both parties. You have a duty to your students, and

that is to protect them from one-sided argument.


They are not at university to be propagandized. And they are certainly not there to be tricked into anti-Semitism by punishing one country among all the countries of the world, which happens to be the only Jewish state. If there had been a single Jewish state in the 1930's (which, sadly, there was not), don't you think Adolf Hitler would have decided to boycott it?

学生たちはプロパガンダを受けるために大学にいるわけではありません。そして、世界中の国々の中で、たまたま唯一のユダヤ人国家である 1 つの国を罰することで、反ユダヤ主義に騙されるために大学にいるわけでもありません。1930 年代にユダヤ人国家が 1 つだけあったとしたら (残念ながらそうではありませんでした)、アドルフ ヒトラーはそれをボイコットすることに決めたのではないでしょうか。

Your generation has a duty to ensure that the perennial racism of anti-Semitism never sets down roots among you. Today, however, there are clear signs that it has done so and is putting down more. You have a chance to avert a very great evil, simply by using reason and a sense of fair play. Please tell me that this makes sense. I have given you some of the evidence.


It's up to you to find out more.

Yours sincerely,

Denis MacEoin


