☆ This is another BIGBANG ☆ -7ページ目


It is finally weekend, but it is raining.

The whole week the sun was shining, it was warm, you could wear summer clothes and now:

It's cold again and it rains. That sucks! ( ̄_ ̄ i)

Today will be a good day because I'm going to meet some friends. (*゜▽゜ノノ゛☆

We'll cook together, we have planed vietnamese,chinese and japanese food.

It will be awesome, keke. (*^ー^)ノ

And tommorow I have to do my presentation about oil.

On Tuesday I have to give the presentation and I haven't done anything for it yet. That is what we call planning. (´・ω・`)

What's up?

Me is trying to update my blogs regularly, but it is really hard for me. I have three blogs and I don't really use one of them. ∑(-x-;)

Although Ameba is intersting because it is japanese and sometimes you don't know what you do when you click on a button or something else.

ヽ((◎д◎ ))ゝ

But it helps me to remember the japanese stuff I have learned.


So let's hope for the best.

Back again! :D

Me is back again :D

And I'm eating while writing an entry.

It's my second meal for today.

First Ramen and now noodles, yeah!