☆ This is another BIGBANG ☆ -4ページ目

On purpose?!

Always when I wanna chat with a special friend, the status changes from available into buys or away.

Does she do that on purpose or is it just coincidence むかっ

Useless stuff

Tommorow arts exam and I haven't started to learn anything. 汗

As an execuse for myself I must say that arts theory is boring. And in addition I didn't learn anything for the last arts exam and I got a B. にひひ

So I hope this will work again. (  ̄っ ̄)

Next thing is my 2PM flash, I have atm.

This guys are so lovely and their music makes me happy. 音譜

Besides that, my BIGBANG stuff I ordered five weeks ago is finally on the way to me.

I will get it this week, I think. ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

That's all for the moment. 虹

Weekend is hardly over

As the title says, the wekend is hardly over and I feel like I had no weekend. I'm so tired~. (_ _。)

I still have to do homework and have to learn for my arts exam on wednesday and my computer studies test on Friday.ダウン

I want vacations, long vacations, but the weather should be better than the current weather. (。>0<。)

It's cloudy, cold and sometimes it also rains. あせる

I've never had such a bad may before, I'm hoping for a better summer. ニコニコ

OMG, I've watched how late it is and it's alreay half past 7. ヽ((◎д◎ ))ゝ

I'll do my homework, learn a bit, take a shower and then I'll go to bed. 音譜

Byebye ~ 虹