☆ This is another BIGBANG ☆ -6ページ目


Hey guys. :D
I'm sitting in school, have computer studies right now and it is a bit boring. ヽ(゜▽、゜)ノ
Today we have the subject, we should have on Friday. That confuses me alot. Tomorrow I will be more confused, cause it's wednesday and not saturday as my feeling will tell me. (`ε´)

That was all for the moment, I'll be back again this evening. ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノ

Hard to describe

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I háve heard japanese and korean hip-hop before and love both but this is something new.

Viet-Rap, it is hard to comment on it. (´□`。)

Weekend is over

Weekend is over, tommorow school again. ((o(-゛-;)

I gotta say, I had a wonderful weekend with my friends.

Yesterday we cooked together and play games on PS3 and Wii.

We played Mario Kart and I lost often.

I can't get along with Mario Kart on Wii.

I like to play it on Nintendo DS. (`ε´)

In the evening we went out to the centre.

I must say that Frankfurt is very lovely at night.

You can't compare it to Saarbrücken. (`・ω・´)

Today I worked on my presentation about oil, it was so hard.

My boyfriend helped me with it a bit, thanks to him I was able to finish it today. (´_`。)

Later he cooked Okonomiyaki and Tenpura for me.

It was delicious, what he cooks is always awesome. ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

Due to this weekend I can get through next week. (*^ー^)ノ

Mata ne!