BMW はトヨタ自動車と共同開発を行い、燃料電池車の量産を開始すると発表しました。


German automaker BMW said Thursday it will boost joint development of next-generation hydrogen fuel cells with Japan's Toyota Motor. It aims to start its first-ever mass production of a fuel-cell electric vehicle in 2028.


The collaboration will extend to improving infrastructure such as setting up hydrogen stations. Fuel-cell electric vehicles do not emit carbon dioxide because the power is generated by hydrogen.


The advantages of fuel-cell vehicles over other EVs include a range on a par with gasoline engines, and the short time to refuel compared to recharging. But the challenge for automakers in building a market is that fuel-cell vehicles are expensive.


BMW and Toyota aim to lower production costs through co-development, and hope to spur demand by improving refueling infrastructure.


BMW Chairman Oliver Zipse said, "We are committed to making hydrogen-powered cars a practical choice for a wider group of customers."


Toyota President Sato Koji said that the two automakers would deepen their cooperation in realizing a hydrogen society.


本日取り上げるのは、動詞としての spur /spɝː/ です。


『ジーニアス英和辞典』には「動他1〈人〉を〔・・・へと〕せきたてる,・・・にはっぱをかける(+on)〔to, into〕;[SVO to do]O〈人〉を・・・するようにとせきたてる;〈人〉を駆りたてる(+on) 2〈事が〉〈進歩など〉を促す(encourage) 3〈人が〉〈馬〉に拍車をかける,〈馬〉を急がせる(+on)」と記載されています。


LDOCE では "1[T](also spur sb on)to encourage someone or make them want to do something 2[T]to make an improvement or change happen faster 3[I,T]to encourage a horse to go faster, especially by pushing it with special points on the heels of your boots" と定義されています。


BMW について調べていたところ、ホームページに「BMW は1916年「Bayerische Motoren Werke(バイエリッシュ・モトーレン・ヴェルケ)」(ドイツ語で "バイエルン州のエンジン工場を意味する)という名前で誕生しました。」とありました。(emu)