Eyes of the Storm | 田邉祐司 ブログ 常時英心 言葉の森から: 2.0

田邉祐司 ブログ 常時英心 言葉の森から: 2.0

たなべゼミ生による英語表現の落穂拾い 2.0
旧ブログ http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/




副題の Eyes of the storm で連想するのは,in the eye of the stormというイディオムです。Weblio には;


1 訳語 (多くの人々に影響を与えるような)重大な問題や議論に巻き込まれている様子

2 訳語 台風の目の中;(転じて)(人や組織が問題などの)渦中に

解説 be in the eye of the stormのように使用される。





英英には”deeply involved in a difficult or controversial situation which affects or interests a lot of people"

He was often in the eye of the storm of congressional debates related to U.S. troop withdrawals from Vietnam.





さらに文学好きにはノーベル賞文学賞を1973年に受賞したPatric Whiteの心に残る名作を思い出す人もいるでしょうか。わたしも高校教員時代に Vossともに読みました。


The Eye of the Storm is the ninth published novel by the Australian novelist and 1973 Nobel Prize-winner, Patrick White. It tells the story of Elizabeth Hunter, the powerful matriarch of her family, who still maintains a destructive iron grip on those who come to say farewell to her in her final moments upon her deathbed.


前置きが長くなりましたが,ポールの写真展の方は Eyes of te Stormと,eyeが複数形です。ということは台風の目の方ではなく,(嵐のような)多くの人々の目にさらされるという意味合いを含むものと思われます。
'Millions of eyes were suddenly upon us, creating a picture I will never forget for the rest of my life.'

McCartney P. & Jill Lepore(2023)1964: Eyes of the Storm. Allen Lane  

In 2020, an extraordinary trove of nearly a thousand photographs taken by Paul McCartney on a 35mm camera was re-discovered in his archive. They intimately record the months towards the end of 1963 and beginning of 1964 when Beatlemania erupted in the UK and, after the band's first visit to the USA, they became the most famous people on the planet. The photographs are McCartney's personal record of this explosive time, when he was, as he puts it, in the 'Eyes of the Storm'.

1964: Eyes of the Storm presents 275 of McCartney's photographs from the six cities of these intense, legendary months - Liverpool, London, Paris, New York, Washington, D.C. and Miami - and many never-before-seen portraits of John, George and Ringo. In his Foreword and Introductions to these city portfolios, McCartney remembers 'what else can you call it - pandemonium' and conveys his impressions of Britain and America in 1964 - the moment when the culture changed and the Sixties really began.

1964: Eyes of the Storm includes:
- Six city portfolios - Liverpool, London, Paris, New York, Washington, D.C. and Miami - and a Coda on the later months of 1964 - featuring 275 of Paul McCartney's photographs and his candid reflections on them
- A Foreword by Paul McCartney
- Beatleland, an Introduction by Harvard historian and New Yorker essayist Jill Lepore
- A Preface by Nicholas Cullinan, Director of the National Portrait Gallery, London, and Another Lens, an essay by Senior Curator Rosie Broadley




つまり,eyesはThe Fab Fourと呼ばれたBeatlesの目のことで,突然,スターダムに駆け上がった四人のドキュメントととらえることができます。

