massive wildfire that ripped through Jasper | 田邉祐司 ブログ 常時英心 言葉の森から: 2.0

田邉祐司 ブログ 常時英心 言葉の森から: 2.0

たなべゼミ生による英語表現の落穂拾い 2.0

日本の報道ではほぼとりあげられていませんが,カナダのアルバータ州(Alberta,略 Alta)にあるジャスパーは山火事でその3分の1が焼失したとのこと。


A first look at damage caused by massive wildfire that ripped through Jasper


Several government and emergency officials huddled together in Jasper, Alta., Friday afternoon, staring at what was once a basement. Charred concrete walls cradled scorched metal and ash-covered debris — the remnants of a destroyed home.


Jasper Mayor Richard Ireland's voice broke while describing his 67-year connection to the home on Turret Street. Somewhere in the wreckage, he said, was a photo of himself, sitting on moving boxes, with a birthday cake. His family had moved in just before his second birthday. 


"Now it's memories of family and fire," Ireland said. "So many others are going to go through this same thing."


Ireland shared that story with Alberta's premier, the federal emergency preparedness minister and a few members of the media during a tour of the town.


It's among the first glimpses of the damage wrought by a massive wildfire that ripped through the historic townsite Wednesday night.


Jasper National Park said in a Facebook update Friday night that it's finalizing a list of addresses of damaged structures and intends to release it "shortly.  


"We are empathetic to the residents and businesses seeking more information on specific details on the extent of damage," the update said. "We know people are seeing images on media and social media but what we know about fire incidents is getting the information right is paramount. 


"We want to avoid telling people they lost their home when they didn't, or saying they didn't lose their home when they did."


Of the 1,113 total structures within the town, 358 were destroyed, Jasper National Park said on social media Friday.


Elsewhere in Jasper, Whistlers Mountain towered beyond a stretch of torched land. The skeletons of a trailer and a four-door car are parked beside a sidewalk. A silver puddle, bubbly like a half-cooked pancake, trails from a melted car tire.


rip throughというと紙を引き裂くイメージが先行すると思いますが,実は「〔竜巻などが〕~を襲う[直撃する],~で猛威を振るう



"to move through a place quickly and with violent force"  

A wave of bombings ripped through the capital’s business district.(LDOCE




古い話ですが,1991年に Jasper Park Lodge(現 Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge)というリゾートホテルに2泊しました。かなりの料金でしたが,もとがとれるほどの静寂さと心の落ち着きを味わうことができました。

