昨日はキャンパスの駐車場に6:40頃,入りましたが,直後にやってきたのが同僚の英国人。お決まりのあいさつの後,話題はUK Electionになりました。




UK election: What's happened and what comes next?


The Labour Party has won a landslide victory in the UK general election, sweeping hundreds of seats across the country and ending 14 years of Conservative rule.


Sir Keir Starmer is set to be appointed prime minister later on Friday, ending a tumultuous era which has seen five different Conservative leaders running the country.


Rishi Sunak - the outgoing PM - conceded defeat outside a rainy 10 Downing Street on Friday morning and wished Sir Keir's new government well. He apologised to ousted Conservative colleagues, and said he planned to resign as party leader in the coming months.


Earlier, in an impassioned victory speech, the Labour leader promised "national renewal" and vowed that he would put "country first, party second".


"We have earned the mandate to relight the fire," Sir Keir told jubilant Labour activists in London. “Our task is nothing less than renewing the ideas that hold this country together.”


The result marks a stunning reversal from the 2019 election when Labour, led by the veteran left-wing politician Jeremy Corbyn, suffered its worst electoral defeat in almost a century.


On the other side, Robert Buckland, a former Conservative minister who lost his seat, described it as "electoral Armageddon" for the Tories.


It is expected to be the party's worst result in almost 200 years, with a battle over the future direction of the party to commence in the coming weeks.


It's been a long night of results. Here's what it all means.




concede defeat「敗北[負け・落選]を政治家が認めることは西欧文化のなかで大切にされているいざぎよさの美学です(それを守らないふとどきな元大統領もいましたが...)。


Cambridge University Dictionary は "to admit, often unwillingly, that something is true: [ + (that) ] The government has conceded (that) the new tax policy has been a disaster.,[ + speech ] "Well okay, perhaps I was a little hard on her," he conceded."






ここの often unwillyingly がポイントで,悔しくて仕方はないけど,負けは負けという潔さが次につながるわけです。つまりはgood loser こそが政治家の価値になるのです。

