
Presidential debates are often scored on style and impression more than substance. Trump was confident and composed, even as he steamrolled facts on abortion and immigration with false assertions, conspicuous exaggerations and empty superlatives. Biden was often halting, his voice raspy, even when he had the facts on his side. He had difficulty finishing his arguments and marshalling his attacks.


今回注目する単語は marshal /ˈmɑːʃəl $ ˈmɑːr-/ です。

marshal v は『ジーニアス英和辞典』では「他 1 〈考え・議論など〉を(まとめて)整理する、整備する;〈人・物〉を組織する、集結させる  2 〈大集団〉を管理する、掌握する 自 整列する、整理する;所定の位置につく」と定義されています。


ここには,marshal one's arguments [thoughts] 「議論 [思考] を整理する」 marshal one's forces 「軍隊を終結させる」

LDOCE には "1 to organize your thoughts, ideas etc so that they are clear, effective, or easy to understand
marshal your thoughts/arguments etc 2 to organize all the people or things that you need in order to be ready for a battle, election etc 3 to control or organize a large group" とあります。

語源については Online Etymology Dictionary によると;“mid-15c., marshalen, "to tend (horses)," also "to arrange, place in order;" "arrange (soldiers) for fighting," from marshal (n.). Figurative use is by 1690s. Related: Marshaled; marshaling.”とあり、名詞の marshal からできた語のようです。名詞の marshal には「司令官、元帥」などの意味があり、こちらは古フランス語の mareschal 「軍隊の指揮官、家庭担当官」(現代フランス語のmaréchal)から来た語のようです。(Suke)
