

'Becoming family': African refugee applicant, elderly couple in Japan make most of mutual help



OKEGAWA, Saitama -- How do people who've escaped to Japan as refugees survive? Most have a community that speaks their language or shares their religion and get by with civil groups' backing. Rarely, they are supported by specific people they've come to know in Japan.


That's the case for an east African man living with an elderly couple who formerly ran a Chinese restaurant. The Mainichi Shimbun spoke with the three to understand their daily life after, as they put it, "becoming family."


"If you sleep all the time, it's not good. You need to do your physical therapy." Isao Fushimi, 82, nodded at the man's advice while lying on his reclining bed. Due to the side effects of a brain hemorrhage, the left side of his body is paralyzed.


取り上げるのは,hemorrhage (UK)  /ˈhem.ər.ɪdʒ/  (US) /ˈhem.ɚ.ɪdʒ/ です。文脈から,「梗塞」という意味を推測しました。以下で調べていきます。



1 a serious medical condition in which a person bleeds a lot, sometimes inside their body

2 when a company or country loses a lot of money or people very quickly 

と定義されていました。hemorrhage はアメリカ英語の綴りであり,イギリス英語の綴り字は  haemorrhage のようです。



1 (不意の)大出血 

2 (資産・頭脳などの)流出,損失





以上のことから,記事中の hemorrhage は 「出血」の意味であることがわかります。


Online Etymology Dictionary で語源を調べてみると,ラテン語の haemorrhagia からギリシャ語を経て,「激しく出血する」を意味する haimorrhages から来ているようです。「血」を意味する haima と,「割れ目,隙間,裂け目」を意味する rhagē からなる語です。

