

Canada to start 30-day consultation to impose surtax on Chinese electric vehicles



TORONTO (AP) -- Canada's government is investigating whether to impose a surtax on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles.


A 30-day consultation on the issue will begin on July 2 to counter what Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said Monday is a clear effort by Chinese companies to generate a global oversupply.


Freeland said Canada will act in concert with its allies in the United States and the European Union. She noted North America has an integrated auto sector, and said her government would ensure Canada doesn't become a dumping ground for Chinese oversupply.


取り上げるのは,in concert (with) という表現です。以下で調べていきます。

LDOCEでは,“people who do something in concert do it together after having agreed on it” と定義されていました。




以上のことより,in concert (with) は「協調する,協力する」という意味であると考えられます。コンサートという身近な日本語からもこれはよく理解できます。





