fare poorly | 田邉祐司 ブログ 常時英心 言葉の森から: 2.0

田邉祐司 ブログ 常時英心 言葉の森から: 2.0

たなべゼミ生による英語表現の落穂拾い 2.0
旧ブログ http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/



Tokyo Gov. Koike to run again, setting up high-stakes Renho showdown


Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike said Wednesday she will seek reelection for her third four-year term in July's gubernatorial election, setting the stage for a battle with high-profile opposition lawmaker Renho and a proxy war between the national ruling and opposition parties.


The Tokyo chapter of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party has decided to support Koike, a former lawmaker with the party. 


The LDP fared poorly in recent elections, with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's Cabinet facing sluggish support rates due to a political funds scandal.


The announcement by the 71-year-old incumbent came after Renho, a House of Councillors member of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, earlier declared her candidacy for the July 7 election, with official campaigning slated to begin on June 20.



fareの動詞形には,"fare well /badly /better etc"と副詞をともなって,(うまく/まずくetc)「やる」("to be successful, unsuccessful etc")という意味を表す用法があります。


これがわかると「福祉」を welfare というのも納得がいくと思います。




PS  学歴詐称問題,あのままシラを切るのでしょうね。ところで詐称であれば,高卒履歴であり,これまで大卒としてもらったテレ東以降の給与差額はどうなるの。時効?