get / be given the boot | 田邉祐司 ブログ 常時英心 言葉の森から: 2.0

田邉祐司 ブログ 常時英心 言葉の森から: 2.0

たなべゼミ生による英語表現の落穂拾い 2.0



Shohei Ohtani’s ex-interpreter Ippei Mizuhara banned from delivering Uber Eats amid fraud scandal


Shohei Ohtani’s ex-interpreter received the boot from yet another job.


ppei Mizuhara was banned from delivering for Uber Eats, a day after The Post shared exclusive photos of the former Dodgers employee making deliveries across Los Angeles amid his betting scandal.


Mizuhara’s banishment from the delivery app is due to his pending litigation, the company told NBC Los Angeles.


“Mizuhara has been an Uber Eats courier for a few years. Given these recent charges, he no longer has access to the platform,” Uber spokesperson Gabriela Condarco-Quesada told the outlet.


In one photo, Mizuhara was spotted in a black hat, sweatshirt and shorts carrying a red delivery bag to an apparent customer’s home.


ここは recieved the boot とありますが,通常はget / be given the boot でしょう。『コリンズ英英』には "If you get the boot or are given the boot, you are told that you are not wanted any more, either in your job or by someone you are having a relationship with."



She was a disruptive influence, and after a year or two she got the boot. 




receiveの方だったら,receive a boost from~(~から支援を受ける,~の後押しを受ける)の方を思い出すのですが...。