

'Spirited Away' gets standing O as largest overseas play in Japanese at London Coliseum




TOKYO -- A theatrical version of the Oscar-winning animated film "Spirited Away" opened in London earlier this month, which is according to producers the largest-ever stage show featuring a Japanese cast and in the Japanese language outside of Japan.

According to producer Toho Co., audiences responded happily to scenes reminiscent of the film, and the theater was filled with laughter at the appearing actors' comical performance.


今回取り上げるのは,reminiscent of (UK) /ˌrem/.ɪˈnɪs.ənt/  (US) /ˌrem.əˈnɪs.ənt/ という表現です。文脈,re- から「思わせる,彷彿させる」という意味を推測しました。以下で調べていきます。


LDOCEでは,“reminding you of something” と定義されていました。




Online Etymology Dictionaryで語源を見てみると1705, "pertaining to or characterized by reminiscence," from Latin reminiscentem(nominative reminiscens), present participle of reminisci "remember, call to mind," from re-"again" (see re-) + minisci "to remember" (from root of mens "mind," from PIE root *men- (1) "to think"). By 1880 as "calling to mind, evoking a reminiscence (of someone or something)." と説明されていました。


以上より,reminiscent of は「思い出させる」という意味であることがわかります。







