

WARSAW (AP) — The government of Prime Minister Donald Tusk enacted a ban against required homework this month amid a broad discussion about the need to modernize Poland's education system. Critics say it puts too much emphasis on rote learning and homework, and not enough on critical thinking and creativity.


Under the decree, teachers are no longer to give required homework to kids in the first to third grades. In grades four to eight, homework is now optional and doesn't count toward a grade.

Not everyone likes the change.


“I am not pleased, because (homework) is a way to consolidate what was learned,” said Magda Kozak, mother of a fifth grade girl.




今回取り上げるワードは amid (UK)  /əˈmɪd/ (US)  /əˈmɪd/ です。


Cambridge Online Dictionary では、in the middle of or surrounded by と定義されています。


LDOCE では、1 while noisy, busy, or confused events are happening – used in writing or news reports 2 literary among or surrounded by things と定義されています。


OED では Middle English amidde, from Old English on middan "in the middle," from dative singular of midde "mid, middle" (from PIE root *medhyo- "middle"); also see a- (1). The phrase evidently was felt as "in (the) middle" and thus followed by a genitive case, and if this had endured we would follow it today with of. (See amidst for further evolution along this line). The same applies to equivalents in Latin (in medio) and Greek (en meso), both originally adjective phrases which evolved to take the genitive case. But in later Old English on middan also was treated as a preposition and followed by dative. Used in compounds from early 13c. と語源が説明されています。


以上を見てから、 AW の訳を見てみます。そうすると、”同国の”として訳されています。


類義語の among や、 during との使われ方の違いに着目しました。amid は新聞などフォーマルな文章において用いられる場合が多いようです。また、どちらも意味として何かの中でという意味がありますが、amidは囲まれているものが自身とは関係性が低いものをを指しており、among は自信と近しい関係性のものに囲まれている状況で使われる場合が多いようです。使用する際には枠の部分の関係性と、書いているものがfomal なものかを判断することがよいと思われます。

