


How Ohtani's interpreter Mizuhara became players' lifeline


Tim Keown, ESPN Senior Writer


Three of the American players who worked closely with Mizuhara and consider him to be a friend -- Crotta, Mitch Lively and Red Sox reliever Chris Martin -- were reluctant to opine on how Mizuhara ended up in a federal courtroom in Los Angeles last Friday, his legs shackled. The 6-foot-8 Martin, towering over everyone in the visitors clubhouse in the Oakland Coliseum, shakes his head and says, "I obviously don't have a lot to say, because I just don't know. My wife and I are looking at Ippei's face all over the news, looking at each other and saying, 'This is wild.' We've been in shock. The theft thing is what throws me off. Obviously things change and people change, but I can't get my head around that part."


日本ハム・ファイターズ時代に通訳を務めた現・レッドソックスのクリス・マーティン投手が語った This is wild.のwild はスラングでは,記事の方は「大変なことだ」と処理されています。
また,throw ~ off は "to cause an amount to be wrong or a person to be confused"と定義されているように confusedということですが,これも,これまでの自分の知識(予測),経験値と現実とが一致しないことで混乱させたりするという意味で用いられる句動詞です。
「今,ちょっと混乱していて何も言えない.../気持ちがまとまらない」などという日本語にピッタリの表現です。マーティン投手にとって,水原スキャンダル(the theft thing)はこれまで自分が知っていた(お世話になった)水原氏とスキャンダルにまみれた彼とのギャップで混乱していたわけです。