duped and blindsided | 田邉祐司 ブログ 常時英心 言葉の森から: 2.0

田邉祐司 ブログ 常時英心 言葉の森から: 2.0

たなべゼミ生による英語表現の落穂拾い 2.0
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大谷選手の会見,USA Todayのボブ・ナイチンゲール記者は duped とblindsidedをキーワードにまとめていました。


Dodgers' Shohei Ohtani says he was duped by his ex-interpreter, blindsided by gambling allegations


There were no dark secrets exposed, no titillating confessions and no apologies. 


Shohei Ohtani, Major League Baseball’s biggest star, sat in front of a sea of reporters and tape recorders for 12 minutes on Monday afternoon at Dodger Stadium, and without the slightest bit of nervousness, and said that that he simply was duped. 


He insisted that that he had zero knowledge, zero inkling and absolutely zero involvement in his interpreter’s gambling addiction, racking up at least $4.5 million in sports wagering with an alleged illegal bookmaker. 

“I’ve never bet on baseball or any other sport,’’ Ohtani said, “or ever asked anyone to do it on my behalf. I never went through a bookmaker.’’




Cambridge Dictionariesは"to deceive someone, usually by making that person do something that they did not intend to do:"と定義し,The girls were duped by drug smugglers into carrying heroin for them.という例文を与えています。


もう一方のblindsideは,「予期しないことに直面したりすること」を意味し,"to surprise someone, usually with harmful results"と定義されます(同上)。
ちなみに The Blind Side : Evolution of a Game はアメフトのマイケル・オアー選手の半生を描いたアメリカ映画でした(確かサンドラ・ブロックがアカデミー主演賞をもらった...)。
今回の騒動で,かなり突っ込んだ記事を書いていた LA Times のHernández記者がどのような論評をあげるのかを待っていましたが,今のところまだ入手できません。残念。ちなみに彼のお母様は日本人です。(UG)