His candidacy raises questions about the continued viability of the leftist resurgence that was ushered in partially by his influence in the 2018 midterms, and has sparked fights, similar to those that sprung from Sanders’ last unsuccessful presidential bid in 2016, over whether the Democratic base should commit itself to ameliorating economic inequality, or to fighting racist and sexist bigotry.
今回取り上げる語は、ameliorate /əˈmiːlɪəreɪt/ です。文脈から「是正する」と推測しました。以下で意味等を確認していきます。
まず意味をCambridge Dictionaryでみると、“to make a bad or unpleasant situation better”とあり、LDOCEには“to make a bad situation better or less harmful”と定義されていました。この類義語としてimproveがありますが、ameliorateのほうが堅い言い方です。(同書参照)
次に語源をOxford English Dictionaries (online)でみると、“Mid 18th century: alteration of meliorate, influenced by French améliorer, from meilleur ‘better’.”とあります。