Rael Maitreya


Ben Zouba Citations et proverbes


When a Wolf is losing a fight against another wolf and realizes that he no longer has any chance of winning, the losing wolf peacefully offers the jugular to his opponent, as if to say "I lost, let's end it".
But at that moment, the incredible happens: the victorious wolf, inexplicably, becomes paralyzed.
A millennial force prevents him from killing the one who has the humility to recognize his defeat.
A primary mechanism, written in the DNA or beyond, is triggered in the victorious wolf and reminds him that the species is more important than the pleasure of eliminating the opponent.
What a wonderful instinctive mechanism!
No one would call the wolf who surrenders a coward, nor the one who paralyzes with pity, simply the miracle happens.
Neither winner, nor winner.
The two wolves leave and the wheel of life continues.
If only humans would learn the lesson of wolves instead of continuing to slaughter each other out of pride and thirst for power!
We find all the answers by observing the language of nature.
A beautiful and bright day to all





 DNA またはそれ以上に書き込まれた主要なメカニズムが勝利した狼の中で作動し、敵を排除する喜びよりも種族の方が重要であることを狼に思い出させます。 


なんと素晴らしい本能的なメカニズムでしょう。 降伏した狼を臆病者と呼ぶ人も、哀れみで麻痺した狼を呼ぶ人もいません。単に奇跡が起こっただけです。 勝者も、勝利者もいません。 2 匹の狼は去り、人生の輪は続きます。 


人間がプライドと権力欲から互いを殺し合うのではなく、オオカミの教訓を学べたらいいのに! 自然の言語を観察することで、すべての答えが見つかります。 

