Rael Maitreya



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Rael, what is life?
We have the extraordinary privilege of living on a planet where beings arrived from the sky one day and took an extraordinary risk, because life on Earth began with a risk, to create beings, scientifically, in the laboratory, in their image. It is a risk. It is the most extraordinary risk that can exist.
And it is us. They created us one day in their image. And it is something of extraordinary enthusiasm, which will exist; men will do this soon by going to other planets. These beings are there, they are in the sky, they observe us, they love us, the Elohim, our creators, these extremely advanced extraterrestrials, these wells of science and wisdom.
And then, they put us on a small planet with all the elements of happiness, all the elements for beings to blossom like roses in a garden, to grow, to flourish, to multiply, to be so many pieces of the universe becoming conscious of themselves. That is the creation of life on Earth, and that is what they did.
And it seems that, for some time, man; not the man of the systems laid by men, is organizing himself to make children, young people, humans, forget what they really are. Everything, in the systems, is made to make us forget how extraordinary life is, how extraordinary the creation of life on Earth is.




The return to the Elohim, the return to the understanding of our creation, is what gives the most light. It is when we understand; because we can believe in the theory of evolution and think that our grandfather was a monkey. And then, we can also believe in a Good Lord, all-powerful, supernatural, with a devil waiting for us to roast us in the flames of hell afterward.
And then, suddenly there is a message that tells us, "Beings have taken the risk, in your image, to create life on Earth, to create you capable of feeling." Look at yourselves, human beings. Look at yourselves in the mirror, to what extent these little pieces of infinity, animated during a short moment of life passing on Earth, to what extent we can enrich ourselves and perhaps deserve this eternal life that the Elohim promise us; if we are happy, if we are harmony.
Eternity is something that must be earned. Everyone would like to be eternal. Those who are happy on Earth because they have given meaning to their existence, because they have realized that man is not just an accumulation of cells, but that there is an inner spiritual life, something that connects us to the infinity that composes us and that we are.
I am only the infinity that expresses itself, while I speak; this infinity that wants to say to the other pieces of infinity around it, "Be conscious of the same thing. You will want to live as long as possible." Because you will be infinity anyway and forever, but conscious, no. The only privilege there is to be alive is to be conscious. And when one is conscious, one can only be amazed by one's own consciousness and be happy to live.
So, read the Messages, because there are many people who were taking drugs before reading them and who understood that the most beautiful drug is that of the consciousness of the brain which marvels at the truth. If you feel like getting out of this despair in which men put us, well, read the Messages.




















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