Rael Maitreya


France Culture 

culture ECONOMY 

Maggie Lena Walker, the daughter of slaves who produced "I'inoui": creating a bank 

In 1903, as a teacher, she created her bank to economically emancipate blacks in the face of banking discrimination.
文化 経済

 「I'inoui」incredinle 前代未聞」を生み出した奴隷の娘、マギー・レナ・ウォーカー:銀行の設立 1903 年、彼女は教師として、銀行差別に直面して黒人を経済的に解放するために銀行を設立しました。


By founding the St. Luke Penny Savings Bank, Maggie Lena Walker paved the way for credit, savings, and the rise of a black middle class and entrepreneurs. A real economic turning point!

1903: St. Luke Penny Savings Bank - Partnership for Progress (fedpartnership.gov)
Walker stated: "Let us put our money together; let us use our money; let us put our money out at usury among ourselves, and reap the benefit ourselves."