Mario Nawfal




U.S TO RUSSIA: GET YOUR SHIPS AWAY FROM FLORIDA - NOW! PUTIN: DOESN'T FEEL GOOD, DOES IT?! The US Navy dispatched ships and aircraft to track Russian warships that sailed 25 miles off the South Florida coast en route to Cuba. According to the Kremlin, the Russian Ships were "simply 'giving the US a taste of its own medicine.'" The Russian defence ministry stated the flotilla is "for drills involving the use of high precision weapons." Nuclear submarine Kazan reportedly has "guided missile weapons" on board. The Russian defence ministry added that during the war games, the Admiral Gorshkov "defended Northern Fleet ships from air raids and anti-ship missiles of the conditional enemy." Source: Daily Mail, AP


米国からロシアへ:今すぐフロリダから船舶を引き揚げよ! プーチン: 気分は良くないだろう?! 






ロシア国防省は、軍事演習中、ゴルシコフ提督は「北方艦隊の艦艇を条件付き敵の空襲と対艦ミサイルから守った」と付け加えた。 出典:デイリーメール、AP