Rael Maitreya


Ilboudo Jules


That day, Muhammad Ali decided to go watch Tyson train. As soon as Tyson saw him enter, he dropped everything, jumped out of the ring like a hurricane and went to kneel down to greet Ali.

There is a hidden power behind recognition and gratitude.

You will never be great if you do not know how to recognize those who became great before you and who planted the tree under which you hide from the sun.

その日、モハメド・アリはタイソンのトレーニングを見に行くことにした。 タイソンはアリが入場するのを見るやいなや、すべてを放り出し、ハリケーンのようにリングから飛び出し、ひざまずいてアリを迎えに行きました。 
