Rael Maitreya


Talon Abraxas


The Swastika Symbol

In Sanskrit it is called a swastika, meaning “good.” It comes from the word swasti “welfare,” in turn from su “well” and asti “it is.” In popular use in India, it is thought to be a sign of good luck.

The clockwise Swastika is a Solar Symbol representing the cycles of the Sun, while the counterclockwise is called "Sauvastika" and it represents the night and its Lunar cycles.

This archetypal pattern refers to eternal processes of cycles and polarities which exists at all scales of nature, just like the Ouroboros, Hexagram, Yin-Yang, Torus, Fibonacci Sequence, etc. . .

It is the "Cosmic Spiral" which forms the Universe and Life itself.



と呼ばれ、"善・良いこと "を意味する。 その語源は、swasti "福祉"、suは "よく"、astiは "ある "からきている。 インドでは幸運の印と考えられている。
