Rael Maitreya



Love My Shoes


A Jewish family Karnofsky, who immigrated from Lithuania to the United States, took pity on the 7-year-old boy and brought him to their home.

There he stayed and spent the night in this Jewish family home, where for the first time in his life he was treated with kindness and tenderness.

When he went to bed, Mrs Karnovski sang him Russian lullabies, which he sang with her.

Later he learned to sing and play several Russian and Jewish songs.

Over time, this boy became the adopted son of this family.

Mr. Karnofsky gave him money to buy his first musical instrument, as was the custom in Jewish families.

Later, when he became a professional musician and composer, he used these Jewish melodies in compositions such as St. James's Hospital and Go Down Moses.

The little boy grew up and wrote a book about this Jewish family, who adopted him in 1907. And proudly spoke Yiddish fluently.

In memory of this family and until the end of his life, he wore the Star of David and said that in this family he learned "to live a real life and determination."

This little boy's name was Louis Armstrong.This little boy was called Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong. Louis Armstrong proudly spoke fluent Yiddish and “Satchmo” is Yiddish for “big cheeks, a nickname some say was given to him by Mrs. Karnofsky!


Koichi Raelian

少年は成長し、1907年に自分を養子に迎えたこのユダヤ人家族についての本を書いた。 そして誇らしげにイディッシュ語を流暢に話した。
この家族を偲び、そして生涯を終えるまで、彼はダビデの星を身につけ、この家族の中で "本当の人生と決意を生きること "を学んだと語った
この少年の名はルイ・アームストロング。この少年はルイ・"サッチモ"・アームストロングと呼ばれた。 ルイ・アームストロングは誇らしげに流暢なイディッシュ語を話し、「サッチモ」とはイディッシュ語で「大きな頬」を意味し、カルノフスキー夫人によってつけられたニックネームだとも言われている!


What A Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong - Lyric Video - YouTube